Chapter Fourteen

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Kenzi's phone rang just as she got out of the car and she thought her heart might stop. "Ethan," she said shakily.
"What the fuck have you done?"
"You threatened me. I had to leave. I'm sorry it came to this, moving out in the middle of the night, but I didn't feel safe there anymore."
"You wait til I get my hands on you-"
"You won't, Ethan. It's over, we're done."
"Oh, Kenzi. It's far from over. I'm not letting you go, not without a fight."
"I'm hanging up now, I won't let you threaten me. Goodbye Ethan."
She hung up and sat down on the floor in the middle of the room, her blood running cold. "Hey," Jeremy pulled her close and held her tight. "He can't hurt you, he doesn't know you're here. You're safe."
"God Jeremy he was so angry. So cold, and so angry."
"You need to rest. Come on." He stood up and held out his hand, leading her through the house to the guest bedroom and putting down her bag. "Make yourself at home. There's a bathroom just through that door, and plenty of space in the wardrobe. I'm just at the end of the hall if you need me." He kissed her forehead. "Try to get some sleep."
He walked out and Kenzi saw the light go off a minute later. She took off her jeans, shoes, and bra, leaving her tshirt on and climbed in to the bed. She put her phone down on the nightstand and switched off the light. She could see the screen light up every few minutes with a new message and decided to have a quick look. Ethan wasn't stupid enough to threaten her by text or voice mail, but he had no problem calling her every insult he could think of. She replied just once, to tell him she was turning the phone off, and powered it off. She lay in silence for an hour, unable to sleep, watching the minutes tick over on the clock. It was almost 3am when she gave in and tiptoed down the hall, peeking in to Jeremy's bedroom. "Hey," he said softly in the darkness, making her jump. "I was just about to check on you. Come here." He lifted the covers on the other side of the bed and she slid in beside him. He was warm and smelled good, he was wearing only boxers and Kenzi found comfort against his bare chest, letting his even breathing soothe her to sleep in his strong arms.

"You didn't think I'd find you?" Ethan screamed. "God Kenzi you're so fucking stupid. Of course you'd be hiding out with him, he's the only friend you've got!"
"Ethan, please. Please don't do this. I'll come back, I'll do whatever you say. Leave him out of this, please don't hurt him."
"You think I want you back? I should have known, if you were dressing like a slut you'd behave like a slut. I always said you'd cheat, didn't I? You wondered why I never trusted you. You can't be trusted."
He pulled out a gun. How had she forgotten that he had a gun? It was supposed to be for her protection, while she was alone at night, to make her feel safe. "No. God, Ethan. Please!"
"I don't want you back, Kenzi. You're damaged goods now. I want you to hurt. I'm going to make sure you hurt, just like you hurt me."
"Kenzi, wake up. You're dreaming. It's just a dream, baby. Sshhhh. You're dreaming. Kenzi, open your eyes. It's ok, you're safe."
She sat up, tears soaking her face, trying to catch her breath. Jeremy put a hand on her back and she flinched, pulling away from his touch as though it burned. Hugging her knees to her chest, she buried her face as sobs racked her body. Jeremy sat up next to her and tentatively put an arm around her shoulders. This time she leaned in to him, and when she couldn't catch her breath he lifted her in to his lap. She leaned her head against his chest, her hot tears wetting his skin, and he stroked her hair.
Kenzi didn't know how much time had passed when Jeremy lay her back down and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled in to his chest, her breathing still ragged and sniffly, and eventually fell into a restless sleep.

When Kenzi woke again the room was bathed in golden light and she squinted against the brightness. Her eyes and nose burned from crying and it took a few moments to get her bearings. Jeremy was breathing softly behind her, his arm comforting around her waist, pressing her back against him. Ethan had never touched her in bed unless he wanted sex, he certainly never cuddled her while they slept. While making the comparison she grimaced, remembering her dream. It had felt so real. She turned over to face Jeremy, unable to not look at his muscled chest and arms. He had to work hard to maintain that for the film, and she could see why. Every muscle was well defined and hard under her touch, his skin beautifully smooth and almost perfect, marked only by a few freckles. As she nuzzled in to his neck he stirred, and she moved her hand away for a moment before placing it flat against his chest, making him groan softly. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, and she tilted her face toward him, surprising him by kissing his lips softly.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Yeah," she said softly. "Just mentally preparing myself for today."
"The day hasn't even begun, don't worry about it yet," he pulled her waist in to him so their bodies were pressed together, and she trailed a finger down behind his ear to his neck, and could feel his erection stir against her leg. "Kenzi," he groaned.
"Are you sure?" She pulled her hand back.
"No. But a distraction would be nice."
"I don't want to take advantage of you."
"I'm a grown up, Jeremy."
"Well then allow me to distract you," he smiled, rolling her to her back and sliding a hand under her shirt.

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