Chapter Seven

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"Hey," Jeremy said when Kenzi opened her hotel door. "We're going downstairs for a drink, want to come?"
She hesitated. After setting up for a few hours while her mind raced, she had begun to realise what a bad idea this was. She needed to keep him at arms length so no one got hurt. "Maybe next time? I'm kind of tired and it's going to be a big day tomorrow."
He reached out and brushed a curl off her face, tucking it behind her ear. "What's going on, in here?" He put his finger lightly against her temple.
She opened the door and gestured for him to come in. Might as well get it over with.
"Jeremy, you're a very kind, sweet man. You're not bad on the eye either. And I wish things were different, I really do. But you need to stay away, from me. I can't be with you, and I can't be more than your friend. I know I've led you on a little bit and I'm sorry."
"You haven't led me on at all, I know exactly what I'm getting in to here, Kenzi."
"Then you know nothing can happen. God if Ethan found out..."
"What? He'd leave you? That would probably be the best thing he'd ever done for you."
"Worse," she said softly.
"You are scared of him, I knew it. You shouldn't have to be. You don't have to be."
"Jeremy, please. Please. Just let it go."
"No," he stepped toward her, so they were almost touching. Kenzi didn't step back, and he lifted her chin so he could see her eyes. He stroked her cheek lightly. "I want to show you how a real man treats a woman," he leaned in slowly, closing his eyes, his lips softly meeting hers.
Kenzi put her hands on his chest and pressed gently, turning her face away from his. "Jeremy," she breathed. "I can't."
He walked to the door and opened it, struggling to keep his voice light. "The offer is still open if you feel like a drink. You know where to find us." He closed the door behind him.
You're doing the right thing. Her phone buzzed and interrupted her thoughts, there was an email from Ethan's HR manager asking her to contact them to arrange her interview. And then there was another knock on the door. "Jed! Come in,"
"You were obviously expecting someone else."
"Doesn't matter. What the hell am I going to tell this woman about the job interview?"
"The truth, Kenzi. Tell her the truth." He sat down in the bed. "Call her now, I'll stay."
"I- ok." She dialled the direct number and waited.
"Heather? Hi, this is Kenzi Sullivan. You asked me to call you about a job interview?"
"I did, we were very impressed with your application, Kenzi. We'd like to interview you on Friday."
"Unfortunately that won't work for me, I'm in Scotland at the moment and won't be back until next month." She hesitated and Jed squeezed her hand. "But to save you some time, I'm actually not interested in the position. I'm on a project now which I'm really enjoying, and I'm really only interested in contract work."
"Oh! Then why put so much effort in to an application?"
"Uh, I didn't. My parter, Ethan White? He thought I would be interested so he did it without telling me. As a favour, I guess."
"Oh, I know Ethan. That's interesting, I'll let the director know."
"Actually, Heather. Is there any way we can keep this between us? He was trying to help I guess, I don't want him in any trouble. Could you possibly just say you had a more suitable candidate?"
"You are ridiculously overqualified. Yes, I can probably do that. Sweet of him to want to have you work with him, huh?"
"Yep, he's a sweetie. Thank you for your discretion."
"You're welcome. Bye now."
Kenzi hung up. Her hands were shaking and her head was spinning. She looked down at Jed and he was smiling back at her. "Now I definitely need a drink," she said.

"I owe you an apology," Kenzi said as she sat down next to Jeremy. "I shouldn't have... well I shouldn't have put us in that position and led you on. I'm sorry."
"Tell me you feel nothing, and I'll leave you alone," he whispered.
"That's not fair. You know I do. And you know I can't."
"I can wait," he said, meeting her gaze and grinning. "Why are you shaking?"
"Haha. I just had a conversation with a HR manager about a job I don't want." she smiled. "And it seems they've found another more suitable candidate."
"Cheers, then," he raised his glass.

The first week in Scotland went by in a blur of all day shoots that went well in to the night, and equipment that was a little harder to replace in Edinburgh than in Los Angeles. Finally they had an evening off and Jed invited them all out for dinner. When they moved to the bar afterward Jeremy found the empty chair next to Kenzi. "How are you?" he asked.
"Great, this has been so much fun. You?"
"Worn out, but the good kind of worn out."
"I got to watch you filming yesterday. You're really good."
"Thanks. It's the costume." he smiled. He noticed she looked different, but he couldn't put his finger on how. Jed came over to discuss something with her and Jeremy excused himself for a few minutes. When he returned he found Kenzi standing at the bar.
"Before you order a drink, I want to show you something," he said in her ear.
"It's a surprise. You have to come to my room though."
"It's nothing like that. I'll behave, I promise."
He took her to the lift and then took her hand when the doors opened, leading her to his room. When he opened the door there were candles set out on the table, the lights were dimmed and there was an ice bucket with champagne, two glasses and a single red rose.
"I thought you were going to behave?"
"I am. I expect nothing. Just a drink, and I want to show you the view."
She hesitated at the door but allowed him to lead her inside and pour her a drink. "Thank you," she said.
He took her to the huge window at the end of the room and stood behind her, not quite touching her. "I want to show you what I would do. If there was even a possibility that you might be mine. And when I'm done, even if I don't get you, I'll still win if I can make you see that the way he treats you is abhorrent."
For a long time Kenzi said nothing, staring out the window and sipping her champagne slowly. Her head was swimming, she could smell Jeremy's cologne and feel his body behind hers even though they weren't touching. The sound of his even breathing behind her was comforting and she could imagine his muscled chest rising and falling with it. Kenzi leaned back ever so slightly and she was resting against him, feeling his warmth on her back. He brought his arms up and to her waist, but hesitated. She took hold of them and wrapped them around her, leaning her head back on his shoulder and hearing him sigh in to her neck.
She put down her glass and turned around in his arms, putting her hands on his waist. Her mind raced as she looked in to his eyes and brought her face up to meet his, their lips meeting tentatively.

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