Chapter Fifteen

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Remus had been a whirlwind of emotions, but after saying goodbye to Willow—To moments of silence as the heart in Sage's body had come to a full stop—It was only when she gasped for air that his wolf had stopped pacing.

That her scent slowly began to trickle back into his nostrils and calmed him, yet that lasted less than a second.

As her panicked screams filled the room, and the thrashing movements enacted as she wanted to fight against Darius' control of Willow's body. The hands that tried to soothe her and give her any bit of comfort had been met with confusion and chaos.

Her hands flailed and it didn't help one bit that the fabric still covered her eyes. "Away! Go away!" Hayes had held her firmly, not caring that Sage's hand had turned into claws nor that the air crackled around him.

He simply offered his wrist just under her nose until she embraced his scent. Her breathing hadn't returned to normal, but her resistance had fallen short. Though she growled when any person had started to get too close, or any male that wasn't family.

"Little wolf, you're safe...You're back." Sobs wracked her body as he held her as tightly as he could and a growl settled the damnations she felt when shifting bodies.

Remus had met Andy's eyes as they flickered back and forth between him and Sage—No words needed to be said, whatever happened on the other side was too much for her to bare.

Her pain had caused the witches to clear out the pups, as well as Haylee—Who couldn't begin to think of what she went through in that mere hour.

Had it really been only half an hour?

In a midst of panic, Sage had lost a part of herself and in doing so, her wolf had jumped out. Her hackles at the ready to pounce and attack with the prospect of her fangs showcasing just how pearly white and sharp they are.

"Sage...Munchkin, it's okay. You're back." Remus must have said the same words over and over again as they finally elected a reaction to the beast, her ears twitching as she too looked around the room.

Sage—The one in skin—Hardly took notice of not having her vision and just resided in her father's comfort. But the beast was not as impressed and instead looked to the witch, who she categorized as being at fault.

"Alpha Remus, I think it's best to give her a sedative...A mild one, just to—" The wolf in the room certainly knew that word, and she had deemed ready to seek out redemption.

While Remus and Aurelia had been caught by surprise, it was Andy who had intercepted and tackled Sage to the ground. Finding himself in a back-and-forth tussle before falling onto his back with a growl that shook him straight in the gut.

You always did like top, pumpkin.

He voiced to her wolf, but the skin version had turned to the side in confusion at the commotion.


She called out to the link, desperate for any sort of attachment. To give her the reassurance that she was indeed back.

Right here, pumpkin. Can you call off your wolf?... Scaring the witches and Rem's about to have a heart attack or something.

With that in mind, she held out her hand into the unknown to call back her beast. It did pique her attention, but not enough to leave Andy unwarranted from her looming attack.

Or not until Sage had issued her own growl, one that the she-wolf understood.

Hayes had opened another arm, giving room to lay a hand onto the spare wolf in the room. "No need to cause chaos, go back." He issued, with the sweetest voice anyone in the room could have witnessed.

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