Chapter 2: The Weird Family

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*Naomi's P.O.V*

I woke up on a hard, cold, wooden floor. Princess wasn't there either. I passed out after Slendy made me a proxy. That's the last thing I'm worried about. I just wanted to know where Princess was.

      "Oh she is so cute! Can we keep her?" I heard a little girl voice say. Oh hell no, they are not keeping my kitten. I jumped off the floor and walked in the direction of the voices. I found myself in the kitchen. What I saw was dreadful. There was a guy in a white sweatshirt covered in blood. Along with black dress pants and black shoes. He also had black cringed hair almost like it had been burnt. There were black rings around his eyes, and he never blinked. It almost looked like he cut a smile into his face. It looked that way #1 because he was constantly smiling, and #2 there was blood coming out from his cheeks. There was a guy in a yellow hoodie and dark blue jean pants. He also had a black face with red eyes and a red mouth. The third person was a girl, with short dark brown hair and a white mask. She had black eyes and a black mouth. It was hard to describe what she was wearing. There was another guy who look liked Link there, but there was blood coming from his eyes. Next there was a little girl there wearing a pink dress with blood all over it. She also had sharp teeth. The last person was a guy with a black hood, brownish-red glasses, with a brown T-shirt, and knee length shorts. There were also animals in the kitchen as well. One of them was a black cat with Yellow eyes. The other one was the husky I saw yesterday from my house... now that just connected a dot in my head...

      Everybody in the room was staring at me. Princess came running to me while shaking in fear. I picked her up and walked out of the kitchen into the living-room while the little girl followed me.

      "Where do you think your going with my kitten?" She said in a squeaky voice.

      "I'm sorry she is mine. Slendy said I could bring her with me when I moved in." I said in a sassy tone. HEY! Sorry if it's wrong to sass a little girl. That's just how I am.

      "TOBY!!!" She screamed for someone in anger. The guy walked in a minute later. He was the one wearing the brown knee length shorts. He was pretty much brown boy.

      "Yes, Sally?" He asked the little girl.

      "She won't give me my kitten back." She pointed at me and pouted.

      "Just give her the kitten back ok." He told me.

      "NOT OK, IT WAS MY KITTEN TO BEGIN WITH!!!!!" I shouted in anger. 'Cause no one is taking that kitten away from me. Even though I only got her yesterday. She's the only thing I have left. I have to protect her.

      "SLENDY!!!" They both shouted at the same time.

      "What is it Sally and Toby." He questioned them.

      "The new girl won't give Sally her kitten back." Toby said then sighed.

      "Sally it's hers you can not have it I'm sorry." Slendy said as he resolved the problem.

      "Oh and this is Naomi! Naomi meet Sally and Toby."

      "Hi." They said in unison.

      "Um, Hi." I said shyly. Then as I like to say "Professor Link" came in.

      "Hi Naomi I'm..." I cut him off.

      "Your Link, I know" I said and smiled.

      "No I'm Ben, Ben Drowned." He said then gave me a warm smile back.

      "Let me introduce you to the rest of our gang. Come on in guys." He waved them in.

      "This is Masky, Hoodie, Jeff, Grinny the cat, and Smile the dog." As soon as he finished the door opened and a person with a blue face came in.

      "Sorry if I missed intros. I'm Jack, Eyeless Jack. You can also call me EJ" He said then sat down. "Now tell us. What's your name and your kitten's name?" EJ said.

      "Well I'm Naomi Santiago, and my kitten's name is Princess."

      "What a lovely name for a lovely kitten." Grinny complemented Princess. Wait what?!!! Did Grinny just talk? Oh, well that's something for me to get used to.

      "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY NAOMI!!!" They all shouted at the same time. What a weird family this is.

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