Chapter 18: Divide

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*Jeff's P.O.V.*
      It's been two days already. Where is she? Why won't she answer my calls or texts? Slendy is definitely going to be pissed when he gets back from his family hunting trip. Hopefully if everyone comes together we can find her and bring her back. Before he gets back. Which in reality isn't very long. He is supposed to be back tomorrow morning, and she could be anywhere.
      I gathered my thoughts before walking out of my room, down the hall, and into her room. I do this anytime I get to thinking too much about her. Somehow looking into her empty room fills me with sadness yet hope at the same time. It seems like she would just be out at the moment. Not too much was gone to where you could tell she was really gone, but at the same time, it's as if her soul was in this room and her body gone.
      There was a knock at the door before it opened revealing Ben in the doorway.

      "Dude, if were going to find her in time we need to have the meeting now before it gets too late." His eyes and nose had been red from all the crying he had been doing. He was beating himself up pretty bad. Thinking it was his fault. That if we could've done something different she wouldn't had felt like she had to leave. I was also taking it pretty hard. Even if we thought what she did was wrong, it doesn't change the fact that we should've heard her out. Since Cris hasn't been here we have no idea how Naomi's instincts have been changing either, so knowing Cris if she ever hears about this she'll blame herself for not prepping Naomi's instincts, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. No one got to explain to Naomi that with the transition you become a whole new person. You have to figure out your emotions, instincts, feelings, everything cloud the judgement of a normal functioning human. It's not talked about much, but we usually plan out our victims. We watch their patters for a few days before making our attack at night. That they might be random people, but the killing has to be handled in as much of a professional manner as possible. That you can't just kill someone because of emotions. There are usually classes/talks about this type of thing in the beginning, but with her frequent accidents, and Slendy's meetings no one has had time to explain anything correctly to her. To be fair everyone has a different kind of talk overall, depending on their special abilities.

      "Alright, I just hope we can find her at all." I sigh giving one last glance around her room before walking out and closing the door. We walk down the stairs together, through the dining room, and into the living room. Almost everyone was there except for Cris, Slendy, and Jane. Jane hasn't been home since the day Naomi fell through the window. Slendy gave her special permission to live further in the woods for a while.

      "Alright now that were all gathered we can finally get started. Now as we all know Naomi has been gone for 2 days. No sign of her, no calls, no texts. So it's up to us to find her and bring her back before Master gets back. We will form 3 different groups. One will stay here searching any news stories about recent murders in the area, or if she returns. Another group will search the woods, surrounding areas, and near her old home. Ben it would probably be best if you stay here. Then the last group will travel to nearby towns, and any other locations someone could be hiding out. Now everyone keep their phone on, and charges. If you not staying here you'll most likely need your battery packs. Also bring flashlights, water, and some snacks for sustenance." Everyone gets up in a rush going all around the house, gathering things, chattering to themselves, and trying to form somewhat of groups. I chose to go with the group that is searching further from home. I figured while we were out I would go for a kill. I had to do something to relieve the tension all throughout my body. My only hope is that she is alive.

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