Chapter 8: The Beach Pt. 2

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*Naomi's P.O.V*

    The view of the sun setting in the horizon while sitting on the sand at the beach was amazing. It looked as if it could have been vanishing into the water. The the moon started to reflect onto the the water, making the water light up with the moonlight.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jeff called out to me while coming out of the water and sitting next to me on the soft sand.

"Oh nothing, I just came out 'cause I wanted to watch the sunset and the moon rise. Is that such a big deal.?" I said turning my head towards him.

"Oh no, not at all, just seemed liked you wanted to get out of the water awfully fast." He said looking down and picking up a handful of sand and throwing it into the water.

"No just wanted to see it set, I have never gotten to see it set before. Well at least in real life, I have seen it set in movies but it's more beautiful when it sets in real life." I said looking out towards the moonlit water again. Neither of us spoke for a few moments.

"Take a picture it will last longer." Jeff had said in a soft voice.

"Nice idea I will." I took out my phone getting the camera app running, then I took a picture. It was beautiful. "We should go swimming in the moonlit water, don't ya think?" I asked Jeff.

"Yeah, want me to carry you in my lady?" He said trying to make a british accent. I giggled and lifted my arms up. He stood up and walked over to me then bent down, and I placed my arms around his neck and then he stood up which lifted me up. Then he put one of his arms under my legs and the other one on my lower back. I smiled. He started to walk into the water and I squeezed him as the water started to hit my bottom, my feet, and my back. The parts that were above the water started to get cold. Since I was in the water before the water is warm to me, but when I'm not in the water I'm freezing. Jeff just stood there letting me shiver.

"Well what are you waiting for?" I giggled and jumped out from his arms landing in the water staying under for a few moments. I came back up and Jeff was grinning at me.

"Oh, you wanna play that game don't ya." He chuckled and went under water swimming towards me. I squealed as he grabbed my legs and started to lift me up out of the water. Then he swinged me and let go of me throwing me into the water. I decided to play a trick on him for that little move he made. I let my body float to the top but my face in the water still acting like I was dead. I could still hear him laughing at what he did. Something must have happened cause I heard him stop and heard water coming towards me.

"Naomi, are you okay?" He asked poking my shoulder and my back. I just stayed still. He flipped me over and put his head on my chest. I was really close to smiling but I didn't, I did end up blushing though. He then went and started to give me mouth to mouth like in the movies. I kissed him and his eyes got wide. He then pulled away and I started laughing really loud.

"Don't do that you scared me nearly half to death."He said holding his heart. I kissed his cheek.

"Awe did I scare you that bad. I'm sowwy I didn't know any better." I bit my bottom lip on the left side smiling and giggling. This was actually fun.

"Nah, nothing could scare me." He chuckled and hugged me. Of course I hugged him back, I mean why wouldn't I? He was my boyfriend after all.

"You ready to go home and have dinner and a nice hot bath and go to bed?" He suggested while holding out his hand.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I smiled and grabbed it and we slowly swam up to the shore and got out and started to dry off with our towels. Then we grabbed all of our stuff and began to walk back to the woods. We got to the edge of the woods and then began walking into the woods. Once we were a great distance away we turned into our Creepypasta selfs. I laughed when Jeff turned back, his face was cute and his abs he had in this form totally like omg! Oh my god what am I saying, his body may be hot but stop thinking like that. I begin to blush.

"What are you blushing for I'm not doing anything." He said and laughed. I just looked at the ground. Thank god the mansion was in view. When I saw it I ran to the door going inside and going up into my room and practically doing a belly flop onto my bed. A few seconds later I hear my door open and someone belly flop onto me.

"Hello there beautiful." Jeff whispered into my ear. I giggled a little bit but then stopped because it hurt to laugh when he was on me.

"Well, um, hi." I said and smiled trying to get out from under him. After a few minutes I think he got the hint because he got off of me. I rolled over onto my back.

"Who wants a hot bath." He said smirking. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. He came in and started the water and plugged up the tub so the water wouldn't wouldn't get drained. I smiled and pushed him out of the bathroom shutting the door and locking it. I then got undressed, putting my clothes into the laundry hamper and taking my bracelets off setting them on the sink. I sat on the edge of the tub and put my feet in the water.....mmmm.....Perfect temperature I thought to myself. I stood up and then slowly lowered myself into the warmness of the water. I leaned back and relaxed my body soaking in all of the warmness. Then I took my razor and started to shave my legs and my armpits. I then rinsed the razor off and set it back where it was before. After that I started to wash my body and my hair. When I was done rinsing my body off I got out and dryed off. I walked to the door towel wrapped around me.

"Jeff can you hand me some of my clothes I forgot to grab some before I got into the shower." I sigh and he walks up to me with some clothes like I asked for. I began walking back into the bathroom. I unwrapped the towel and setting it in the bathroom hamper. I took my clothes and put them on. I was then standing and staring at myself in the mirror. What do people see in me? I was beginning to think some of this stuff is all a lie so I don't go running off and screaming my head off. Well they were there for me when I got into a couple of accidents. I think Ben, Jeff, and Slendy was there for me the most. Why am I thinking like this. They care about me, they took me in to seek my talent and to make it grow. I should be glad. My mother never did anything for me. Slendy is more like a parent to me than my own mother was. I need to rest and think about these feelings. I walked out and laid on my bed closing my eyes and relaxing.

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