Chapter 17: Poor Family

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*Naomi's P.O.V.*

After a while I smile looking at the ground. What is this feeling in my stomach that I'm getting? It's warm and tingly mixed with butterflies. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I wanna like it. I wanna forget everything in my past. I can't forget it though. What if I go back? What would happen between Jeff and I? We are still dating technically. Although I do need to have a cover story if anything were to happen while I'm here. I'm sure if I went back that everyone would understand. I don't know what I think about Liam. I think he is probably a good friend for Jake, but I don't think I would like him as a friend. I only say that because he hasn't been super talkative or anything. Hopefully I'm wrong about wanting to be his friend. Maybe he is just shy.
      I lift my head and look at Jake. He had nice eyes, his hair was still a mess from sleeping, and he looked super tired. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I moved right next to him laying my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes relaxing again. I felt him move his arm around me holding me close in a protective way. His other hand went and moved a piece of hair out of my face. I lift my head to look him in the eyes. Our heads were starting to come closer together. Was this the right thing to do at the moment? I guess I'm just going to go with it. It's too late to turn back now. Whatever was about to happen I'm going to let happen. It could be good for my cover story. Our noses were inches from each other and I could feel his hot breath against my face from us getting closer and closer. Then I pulled away because I heard someone fake coughing in the background, which could only mean it was Liam. I blushed looking the other way scooting away from Jake taking the blanket with me.

"S-so d-do you mind if I make something for all of us to eat?" I stammered while looking over at Liam. Jake and Liam both nod their heads while pointing towards the kitchen. I stand up and walk to the kitchen leaving the blanket behind. I look in all the cupboards and see what they have for food. I find some pancake mix. While mixing it up I cook 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast for each of us. I pour some milk for all of us, and I bring their plates to them with butter on the side for the toast. Their mouths hung wide open and watering. I giggle and walk back to the kitchen while standing up eating at the counter once again thinking about everything that has happened the last few days. I finish up and set the dishes in the sink rinsing them off. I go back and sit in the single chair that is in the corner. I watch the birds as they start to fly out the window. I think they got Princess's attention because she jumped on my lap batting at the window. Liam and Jake walk over to the door getting their shoes on.

      "I'm dropping Jake off and work then I'm going to work. We will be home in a little while." I nod and wait for them to go outside and leave. Once they pull out of the driveway I turn into my proxy self and relax. My urge to kill was coming back. If I had to explain that urge it would be anger, resentment. Any kind of emotion that would make someone violent. So violent that it would make someone kill. I feel like all my insides become steaming hot. Like when you get a fever, but all throughout my body. I HAD to kill, but I didn't wanna hurt them. I went around the house and found a back door. I walked out of it, walking across town. Once I found a house that had people in it, but were very poor people, I walked inside. I made them all move into the middle of the room, tied them together, and put socks in their mouth to keep them quiet. I went over to the parents first cutting the proxy symbol into their hands with a scalpel I had found on the B&B farm. I then gouged their eyes out. I let them bleed out and all over the floor. I went over to the children, who were now crying. I cut the symbol into their cheeks and pushed their eyeballs into their heads even more, and choked them until they couldn't breathe anymore. Once they were all dead I went into their bathroom and took a shower. I changed back into my clothes and walked out their back door. I changed into my human self and walked on the sidewalk looking at all the flowers as I passed them, or the old couples walking together, or sitting on a park bench. I would never truly be able to have that. As long as I live in the town I will always have to look over my shoulder. Once I was back at the house I went in through the back door that I had left unlocked. I went to my bags and grabbed out clean clothes. I changed into them and throwing the other clothes into the bottom of my bag to throw away later. I can't have Jake or Liam find out about my little hobby. I sat on the loveseat once again and turned some music on. I chill out on the couch until they come back. I heard the door open when I was resting my eyes, and someone comes up and covers my eyes.

      "Guess who?!" I knew it was either Liam or Jake because I know their voices anywhere, but their voices sound so much alike that it's hard to tell who is who. I giggle and put my finger on my chin pretending not to know.

      "Hmmm, who could it be? My mom? No it doesn't sound like a girl. My dad? No my dad is dead. My boyfriend? No I don't have a boyfriend. (I had to say that to make sure my cover story clears) My..." My sentence gets cut off by something pressing against my lips. He moves his hands onto the couch behind my shoulders.I opened my eyes. Thank god, it was Jake. All I could see was his closed eyes and the top of his hair. I looked towards my lips and found another pair of lips touching mine. His lips. OH MY GOD!!! HE WAS KISSING ME!!! HE WAS ACTUALLY KISSING ME!!! I got butterflies all throughout my stomach and a warm tingly feeling in my heart. I couldn't be falling for him. I was in love with Jeff. Could I be falling for Jake and falling out of love with Jeff. I can't be. It would be against Proxy regulations. Its just for a cover story...its just for a cover story...its just for a cover story...

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