Chapter 6: Valentines Day

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*Naomi's P.O.V.*

After a few more days in the hospital I was released. Ben drove me home. I have a few broken back bones. On the drive home Jeff was with Ben and I. Before we got in Jeff helped me in the car. All of a sudden I got really sleepy. I laid my head on Jeff's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I started falling asleep right as we had pulled into the driveway. Jeff carried me inside to my bedroom. I wasn't suppose to move all that much. he kissed my forehead and started to walk away. I grabbed his arm. I looked him in the eyes and asked him...

"Will you stay with me?" I asked then blushed. He came over and rubbed his thumb on my cheek. He went over to the side of the bed and crawled in. I turned on my other side so I could look and see Jeff's face. He scooted closer to me. Then he wrapped his arm around my side again. I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

~A Few Hours Later~

    I woke up in an empty bed. In the spot Jeff was lying in there was a note.

-You look so peaceful when you sleep. I know this may seem crazy but I had to go out for my late night killing. Have fun while I'm gone

    I smiled after I read this. He could really be sweet if you got to know him, even if he was a killer. I felt my back and my bones were healed. Wow, that was fast. Suddenly I got the urge to kill. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a long sharp fork. I walked out of the kitchen and out of the house. I walked all the way into a different town. There was a house up ahead, it was a small apartment, big enough for about 3-4 people. I started walking up to the house, walking slowly. When I reached the house the door was surprisingly unlocked. I twisted it slowly and quietly so no one would wake up. When the door was open I walked in leaving the door open behind me. I started to hear a baby crying. By how loud it was, I'm guessing it was in a room up ahead. I listened closely and followed the sound of the crying until I reached the room with the baby in it. I had peeked into the room and saw that it was crying. It was in it's crib standing up over the side of one of the safety bars, I wish it would just shut up already. I picked the baby up and rocked it softly until it stopped crying and fell back asleep. Then poked its eyes out with the fork I had grabbed before I left the house. The eyes had started to bleed and I let them bleed until it looked like mine and Ben's eyes. When I checked for a pulse, I didn't feel one. I set the baby back in the crib on it's back so it still looked like it was asleep and alive. I left the room and I saw another room a few feet away. I went up to it and looked inside of it. It was the parents room. I went in and had done the same thing to them as I did to their baby. When I was done I jumped out of the window that was in the parents room and had run back into the woods. I then ran all the way back to the mansion without stopping. When I got there and walked inside everyone had just been in the living room and then looked at me. When Ben and Jeff came running to me and they both gave me enormous hugs.

"Where have you been? Where did you go Baby Girl, I was worried?" Jeff said as they released me from the hug.

"And me!!" Ben said in protest to Jeff.

"Oh, I was you know, doing some late night killing." I said sheepishly and smiled. Right then Slendy turned on the news.

"Good evening, sorry for the interruption, there has been a serious case. There have been 4 murders. One was a teenage girl, her name was Emma Blunt, around 17 years old. She died by getting stabbed in the heart and the brain, the cops suspect the murder weapon is a 5 inch butcher knife. The other 3 murders were a family, there was a father, Bryson Olson, he was around the age of 21, The mother Samantha Olson, around the age of 20, and their baby girl, Mary Kate Olson, about 9 months old. Police say the causes of death was stabbing in the eyes with ahh....a fork apparently, that's a new one. Neighbors say that they had never saw anyone around that area after 5:00 pm."

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