Chapter 12: Abandondment

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*Ben's P.O.V*
Jeff and I stood in the woods a bit longer. I was thinking about what it was like for Naomi to live like that. I wondered what it would be like if I had never left her or my mom. I sighed and look up to Jeff.

      "Well I think we better go and try to find her, you guys need to talk things out." Jeff told me as he began walking towards the mansion. I followed him towards the mansion thinking about what I was going to say to her when I finally go there. Being a killer myself I should have at least given her the benefit of the doubt. I couldn't even do that for her in a moment where she probably needed it the most. Instead I acted how everyone else acted when I had done it myself. At the same time she also killed my mother. Someone I never got to meet. She didn't eve think of the possibility of us reuniting eventually. We walked up to the walkway of the mansion. Jeff walked up to the door opened it and waited for me to walk in. I took a small step in sliding my shoes off.

      "Would she be in her room?" I asked as I headed for the stairs. Jeff nodded and followed me after he took his shoes off. We started walking up the stairs. About three quarters of the way up I heard a loud thud on the ground. Me and Jeff stood frozen in our tracks. After a few moments of silence I shrugged my shoulders taking another step up. After a few more steps and to the left was Naomi's room. I stood outside and I took a deep breath. I still had no idea what I was going to say to her. I opened the door and went to look for her as if she were sitting on her bed. When I looked there was no one there. I walked in a peeked into her closet. Most of her clothes had been taken out. Were the too small? Did she not like them? I thought she had a good sense of fashion and she didn't really have a thick body, so I don't think she would have grown out of them. I looked down and saw that she had left her bracelet she always wore. She couldn't have been too far away. I looked around for anything else that might have been missing. All her chargers, and electronics were gone., she couldn't have left. Did she? I looked and saw her things in the bathroom were gone, and her cats things were gone too along with her cat.

      "J-Jeff....she's gone." I began to cry. How could it have been so bad that she had to leave me. Leave Jeff, leave all of us? I'm sure we could have worked things out. That's what everyone was put here for. To help each other out. When no one else does. We're supposed to be there for each other because we have no one else. Especially being what we all are.

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