Chapter 4: The Truth

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*Naomi's P.O.V.*

"WHAT!?!" Me and Ben said at the same time.

      "Yes, it's true." Slendy said.

      "B-But how?! My mom told me I never had any brothers or sisters." I reply feeling as though maybe I got pranked while I was asleep.

      "Naomi, when you were 2, your dad was taking Ben to go see magic trolls. He died saving Ben. He ran into Zalgo. Zalgo threatened to kill Ben for the shadow stone. Your father made a deal with him. He said if he left Ben alone Zalgo could keep your dad as a prisoner or kill him for the sacred shadow stone. Zalgo decided to kill your father, took the shadow stone and left your 6 month old brother alone in the woods to die. But I saw the whole thing. I buried a grave for your dad so he could be at peace. I then took your brother here to my home, and searched his mind. I found out he had a twin sister and turns out it was you. All I had to do was find you to tell you the truth. So you could become a proxy just like your father and Ben!" Slendy explained. Me and Ben just stood there in shock. I couldn't believe we were brother and sister. No wonder I felt so close to him.

      "OMG! yay I have a brother like I always wanted. I'm glad I got to hear about our father, and how he died. My mom never mentioned him much." I exclaimed excitedly. Everyone including Ben was staring at me surprised that I said that. I just went up to Ben and gave him a big hug. He was shocked for a minute then he hugged me back with a warm smile on his face.

"I love you sis." Ben whispered slowly in my ear.

"I love you too Ben." I whispered back. Then we stopped hugging. Ben dragged me upstairs to his room. I wonder what we were doing.

"Sis I think it's time to catch up." He said and gave me a warm smile.

"What do you wanna catch up on?" I asked him and gave him a warm smile back.

"Um... How about our mom, what is she like?" He questioned me sounding sad.

"Well she has light brown hair, green eyes, she is tall, and she is really demanding and strict." I said and giggle a little bit at the last part. Ben laughed a little bit to.

"Is that really what our mom is like?" He asked looking down a little bit.

"Yeah it is!" I said. Ben thought for a moment then he looked up and smiled again.

"What is your favorite color." He asks me.

"I think we could be able to tell each other's own favorite color just by looking at each other." I said giggling.

"Yeah I guess your right." He responded pulling out his laptop. "Do you mind if I put on your favorite song?" He asked looking up from the screen to look at me.

"Uh sure but it's a little dorky especially since we're all a bunch of killers. It's called: Criminal and it's by Britney Spears." I said laughing a little. "Most humans don't like her or her singing, I happen to be one of the ones that doesn't like her." Ben looked back down at his computer and started typing away, the next thing I knew the song came on and I was laying across his bed with my eyes closed listening to the music.

But mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational
it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny
I love that guy

I didn't realize I was singing the song till it was over and Ben started clapping. But also during the song I was thinking about Jeff. I was hungry so I got up to go downstairs. I was about to go to the kitchen until I looked towards the couch and what I saw absolutely broke my heart for some odd reason. Jeff was kissing some girl. I know exactly why it was affecting me. It was because I like Jeff. But I don't know if he likes me back. By the looks of it he doesn't. I went back upstairs. I had to talk to Cris she was my only friend. I went back to my bedside and grabbed my phone. I didn't realise how far the ground was from my window till I had jumped out of it. When I landed I heard a big THUD. I couldn't breathe. I just laid there trying to keep my eyes open. Then I heard someone...

"Jack call an ambulance. Naomi you will be okay." It sounded like Jeff but it also sounded like it could have been Ben. Their voices sounded similar. The person held my hand and started crying. Then I passed out.

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