Chapter 3: The Transformation

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Chapter 3

*Sally's P.O.V.*

    Why did she have to be picked? She will ruin our lives. I could even see Jeff and Ben had soft sides for her. I don't even understand why they do. Even though I did take her cat from her and didn't tell anyone else doesn't give her the right to be mean, or just take her right from my hands!!

*Naomi's P.O.V.*

    Ben walked me up to my room. The walls had fresh paint on them. It was white and pink stripes. Same for my carpet and bed set. I loved it!! I walked over to the closet. It was a walk in closet, I walked into it setting my bag down unzipping it. All of the clothes that I had brought were on top of my bag, with some blankets at the bottom so nothing else that was small would fall out. I grabbed them setting them on the floor in the closet. I started putting all my clothes up. I had brought 4 of everything except I only brought one dress. After I put my clothes away I picked my bag back up and carried it to the little bathroom that was connected to my room. In there I put all my toiletries and extra stuff (Including Princess's litter box) that was used for the bathroom on the sink putting them away. On the long table by my bed I laid my computer, phone, and tablet on it. By the door I put Princess's food and water dishes while filling them up. The last thing I did was hang up my duffel bag in the closet before walking out. I grabbed Princess's leash and hooked it up to her.

"Slendy, I'm taking my cat for a walk!" I shouted because I didn't know were he was. I walked downstairs and out the door. I took her by a little river on the opposite side of the woods that I entered in. I sat down on the edge, putting my feet in. After a few minutes I noticed something... after looking over my shoulder there was a grayish-whitish guy with sharp fingernails standing behind me leaning on a tree.

"Hello, I'm Naomi, what's your name?" I asked, as I figured by his looks he lived with Slendy also.

"My name is Rake, may I sit next to you and that little fur ball cat of yours?" He had asked me starting to slowly walk toward me to sit down. He seemed like a very nice....thing.

"Yeah, go ahead, I don't mind." I said and smiled. He came and sat next to me. I just looked at my reflection in the water. Who would I be now. Princess pawed at me so I stood up and started walking back towards the direction of the house. I needed to talk to Slendy. I walked up to the house and slowly opened the door walking in, shutting the door behind me.

"Slendy you here?" I called out into the air of nothingness.

"Yes, Naomi?" He asked because I guess he knew something was up with me.

"Do you have any nice places around where I could practice with Princess?" I asked slightly nervous hoping I could finally be alone.

"Sure, why not?" He said to me. "There is a clear spot about a mile East of here."

"Thanks Slendy!" I ran back outside grabbing Princess going to the back of the house and starting to walk. When I was quite a ways away from the house I slowed down my pace. Then I started to study my surroundings. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl with a light blue dress and blonde hair a few feet away from me, she was feeding her brown bunny with surprisingly big blue eyes. She also looked like Slendy, but she had white tentacle arms instead of black. she also had the fangs of a cat. I slowly walked up to her with Princess.

"Hi I'm Naomi. What's your name and what's your cute bunny's name?" I said as he was so cute.

"Thanks I'm Christiana Hartwell. But my friends call me Cris. My bunny is Mr.Chomps." She said. Wow she even sounded like Slendy.

"Why do you look like that? Sort if I'm being a little blunt. I've been told I'm not afraid of anything, so I like to hit things head on." I said gently so she wouldn't be offended. I had to know if she was related to Slendy or not.

"I'm half related to a guy named Slenderman and half human." She said embarrassed.

"I'm one of Slenderman's proxies!" I said hoping I would be able to talk to her again soon.

"Really cool and what's your cat's name? Oh and Mr.Chomps is a demon bunny." She said then petted her demon bunny.

"Her name is Princess." I said and Princess tried to walk away.

"Well Cris I better get back." I stood up waved goodbye and started walking back toward the mansion. It was like we were already friends.

*Christina's P.O.V.*

    I couldn't believe she was one of my dad's proxies! She seemed really awesome as far as I knew her, and her cat was so adorable. But Mr.Chomps is cuter and more adorable. After I saw her walk off I felt lonely and sad. I better get back to feeding Mr.Chomps or he will chomp on me!!

*Naomi's P.O.V.*

     I walked to back to the house smiling to myself and admiring the dim woods that I walked through. As I walked by the tree I first met Slendy at I began to think about what my new life would be like. What will happen? Will my mother call authorities to try and come find me? I could only think about that stuff more and more as I came closer to the house. I suddenly got a major pain in my stomach. I fell to the ground. I was there for probably a good 5 minutes before I was being carried. I looked up slightly to see that it was Jeff. I was just able to weakly speak... "Princess"  just as I shut my eyes and tried to control the pain. After 10 minutes we were back at the house. Jeff carried me upstairs and laid me on my bed. He gave me some medicine and tucked me in my bed softly. He leaned down and lightly kissed me on my forehead for no reason at all. Then he left my room. All of a sudden I had gotten tingles in my belly. Could this mean I like him? No I couldn't like him, I mean I just met him right, or can I really like him already? I eventually stopped thinking about it and fell asleep. Four hours passed before I had finally woken up. I smelt something delicious. I got up and out of my comfy bed getting ready to go downstairs. There was only one problem, I kept on falling. Finally Ben came up and helped me walk downstairs. When we walked into the kitchen everyone was staring at me like they were in shock. Toby held out a mirror. When I looked in it I looked EXACTLY  like Ben, but I wore a dress instead of a shirt and pants.

"SLENDY!!" I screamed. I didn't know if I was hallucinating or not.

"Yes, Nao... Oh wow!" He said then smiled.

"What's to smile about? What's going on?" I ask worriedly.

"You are fully transformed that's all." He simply said.

"Then why do I look like Ben?" I belted.

"Because you guys are brother and sister." Slendy said.

"WHAT!!" Me and Ben said at the same time.

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