Chapter 11: Outcast

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*Ben's P.O.V.*
I can't believe Naomi would do something like this, to someone she knew, to someone she used to care about, to someone who raised her. I can't believe that this woman was my mother. I mean I could believe it because you could see her in Naomi. The same eyes, the same hair color and style. She seemed like a warm hearted woman. She looked very skittish like she hadn't eaten in a few days. She also seemed dehydrated. I leaned down over her and picked up her hand while tears ran down my cold, pale face. I have to talk to Naomi about why she had done this later. I pulled away when Rake came over to us. It was nice of him to bury our mother in peace. Once I had heard Rake's scraping toenails fade away Jeff had let go of Naomi.

      "What the hell were you thinking?" He gave Naomi a hard glare crossing his arms.

      "Yeah what were you thinking, killing our mom." I added in a sobbing voice from crying.

      "Throughout my whole life she made me think I was alone and I didn't matter, or that I was a no good daughter, because all she cared about was you Ben. That's why she never cared about me. She just pretended to care about me. But truly all she loved was you." She said and ran off into the woods.

      "I-I didn't know....I swear." I turned around and looked at everyone while turning into what my human self would look like before sliding onto the forest floor. I laid on the ground not moving at all, not even a muscle. I just kept staring up at the sky. I never knew my mother had loved me more than she had loved Naomi. I always knew there would be sadness in the family, just not favoritism. It doesn't change the fact that I never got to meet my mother, or that I would always have a hole in my heart for her. The mother I never knew.

*Naomi's P.O.V.*

      I stay sitting at the pond. I look at my reflection. I sigh and then kick the water with my feet. I didn't even know who I was anymore. I didn't know what to do. Maybe it was for the best if I left for a while. I stood up zipping my jacket walking towards the house quietly. Once I got to the house I opened the door as quietly as I could, walked in, and shut the door as quietly as I could not making a sound. I walked up the stairs into the room I was just beginning to call my own. I looked around the room that had finally been organized with all my things. I went over to my bed and dragged a suitcase out from under it placing it on top of my bed. I backed a few pairs of clothes. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be gone for. I grabbed my brush, perfume, toothbrush, and toothpaste, along with some toiletries. Once I had the necessities I packed my chargers along with my computer. I emptied out Princess's food and water bowl and placed them on top of everything. I looked around for Princess and found her playing with a pair of shoelaces on a pair of my old shoes. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I quickly put her leash on her. I could see Ben and Jeff walking back to the house; Ben had this depressing look on his face. This probably was for the best. They might even be glad that I won't be around for a while. I heard them walk in and start calling my name.

      "Naomi!!" Jeff called. I could hear them coming up the stairs. I quickly opened my window throwing the case to the ground. It landed with a loud thud. I heard them stop in mid step. They must have shrugged it off cause I could hear them coming up the last few steps. I grabbed Princess and closed the window quietly. Just as they opened the door I jumped landing on my feet next to my suitcase. After the previous jump I made sure to pay attention this time. I picked up the suitcase and began running. Running as far and as fast as I could.

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