Chapter Three: Shock and Recognition

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To say that Phil was surprised by what he saw would be an understatement. He had assumed this boy would have looked younger, smaller, more joyous. Instead, the boy looked lanky and tall. He wasn't even facing them. He had curly blonde hair and that was about all he could see of the boy. Together, Phil and Kristen sat down in the chairs that had been provided for them, opposite the boy known as Thomas. Kristen looked over at him helplessly, not sure what to say to the boy who had refused to even face them as they entered. Phil shrugged, and just as he was about to speak, Thomas turned around. And that's when he froze.The moment Phil's wise blue eyes met those dull bluish-grey ones, he remembered. He remembered that fateful day two years ago, when his friend had disappeared. And then, as the shock of seeing the boy again wore off, a new kind of shock replaced it. One at how different he looked. His face was more angular, his features sharper, his face looked older and more experienced. His eyes lacked the shine they once had, and his face didn't change as he studied the couple in front of him. But the most surprising part of all was the large pink scar that ran across his face, starting below his right ear and ending in the center of his chin. Phil glanced over at his wife, making sure he wasn't seeing things, but she also appeared to be in a state of shock, quietly taking in the changes in the boy. After a long moment of silence, Phil realised what he was seeing, and his face changed once more, only this time, in joy. The moment of silence had stretched on for far too long, and Phil was ready to break it. In a voice shaking with emotion, Phil spoke out, "Tommy?"


Tommy observed each stage of shock in which the two in front of him experienced. At first, they appeared to be in a state of remembrance, he could see the wistful look in Kristen's eyes. Then, a state of appearance shock, especially at his face. He knew he had changed, but it didn't make him hurt any less as he observed the looks of pity that Phil sent his way. He didn't need their pity. He needed them to trust him, and to leave him alone. Like that would ever happen. Next, a state of uncertainty. The two seemed to glance back and forth between themselves and Tommy, as if to reassure themselves that they weren't dreaming, and that he was truly sitting in front of them. Kristen even pinched herself, as if she didn't trust her eyes. Finally, the worst stage, the one Tommy had been dreading. Excitement. As much as he wished to be excited to see them, and as happy as he was to be reunited with his friends, he understood that he had changed, and that all they would see in him was what everyone saw. A broken boy who needed to be fixed. He needed to be strong. So instead of breaking down like the two in front of him, he sat carefully. He couldn't let his emotions control him. This was how bad things happened, and Tommy wasn't willing to risk that because of someone he hadn't seen for two years. And then, the dreaded words that Tommy had always known were coming. His name. Phil had called his name. He was calling out to him, wanting Tommy to react. And yet he couldn't. The moment he let his guard down, he was vulnerable to the world. And so, instead of acting like he ought to have, he simply nodded. And smiled, not a true smile, but one of filling the silence. And finally, he uttered the four words that made the couple before him break down into tears. "Hey Kristen. Hey Phil." Tommy sat in silence, listening to Phil and Kristen talk. He knew that that would adopt him on the spot, and that as soon as Lisa got there, he would have to leave the orphanage, probably forever. He also knew that neither Phil nor Kristen understood him, though he was used to that by now. But he was also scared. Their words were slowly registering in his mind, and each and every word they spoke brought more anxiety into his body. He would be living with so many people. So many people who thought they knew everything about him, who thought they could fix him. So many people that would take time out of their days to spend it with him, but all that time would be wasted as Tommy would rather be alone in his room. Then, he would face the challenges as the group would wonder what was wrong with him. In the ideal world, he would have plenty of time to himself to tinker with his gadgets without interruption, but that was unlikely. As long as no one found out about his skills, he would be okay with staying up late to fix his contraptions. And eventually, at least he hoped, they would go back to their normal lives, and he could simply melt into the background. He liked it that way. He didn't do well with attention, contrary to his previous manners. Hopefully, they would get used to the new Tommy, because he didn't plan on changing any time soon.Tommy stiffened as his ears picked up on the sound of Lisa's heels tapping against the floor towards the room. He hadn't said much since Phil and Kristen had gotten there, but they hadn't seemed to notice in their own excitement. "Lisa is here." He spoke with authority, and Phil looked around as if expecting to see her standing right behind him. "Where?" He asked. "About four seconds away from standing right outside the door. Don't mention YouTube, don't mention knowing me, don't mention the nickname Tommy." He spoke harshly, and from his tone, the two took the hint and silently agreed to his terms. Just as Tommy had predicted, four seconds later, Lisa entered the room. "Time's up! If you'd like, I can bring in the next kid." She offered. "No thanks, I think we'll be adopting Tom–Thomas." Kristen spoke politely, but her voice contained a hint of aggression. "Are you sure?" Lisa asked, surprised. "Yes, where do we need to sign?" Phil asked, his body tense. "Come this way. Thomas, go pack your things." Grateful for the interruption, though scared that Phil and Kristen would let one of his secrets slip, he darted up the stairs and into his room, pulling out his suitcase once more. This time, he began packing every item he owned, knowing he wouldn't ever be back. Phil would never allow him to be sent back here, and either way, he would turn eighteen soon anyway. Then, he would be allowed to leave on his own, as he had always planned to do. This surprise adoption would throw a bit of a wrench in his plans, but nothing too major that couldn't be fixed. With those thoughts coursing through his head, Tommy set to packing, zipping up his suitcase far too soon, and exiting his room for the final time. With one last look over his shoulder, Tommy started down the all too familiar stairs for the very last time. He was no longer an orphan.


So I was really late posting this, but I got it done! Next few chapters should get interesting, hopefully you enjoyed. I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3 

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