Chapter Eight: A Night With Friends

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"Tommy, where the fuck did you go?" Tubbo asked, still pulling Tommy along behind him. "Uh, I thought it was kind of obvious. The orphanage?" He replied, a bit confused, a bit upset at how quickly the memories flooded back to him. "Don't ever do that again you shit, or I will fucking find you and kill you." Tubbo said, glaring daggers into him. "Tubbo," Ranboo began. "How many times do I have to tell you that you can't just threaten him." He gestured to Tommy's face, and Tommy felt his heart break just a bit. Of course they could see the scar. How foolish was he to think that he could just pretend that everything was normal? After a silent conversation between Tubbo and Ranboo, Tubbo sighed. "Sorry Big Man. I just really fucking missed you." Tommy smiled a bit. "I missed you guys too." And the fivesome raced to the living room to play Mario Kart.

"Ha!" Tommy yelled out triumphantly as he won yet another game of Mario Kart. "What?" Spluttered Tubbo. "How the fuck are you so good at Mario Kart?" Tommy just laughed. "Try me, bitch. I'm good at every video game in existence!" True to his word, they tried Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong, Valorant, Overwatch, COD, and even Minecraft, and Tommy either won or beat every game. "What the actual fuck." Tubbo exclaimed as he lost yet another bedwars game to Tommy. "I'm just that good!" Tommy answered, true to his original claim. "Fine, you might be better at video games, but I guarantee that I'm better at Monopoly!" Ranboo suddenly shouted. "Not true!" Hannah called back. "Who won last time?" Ranboo grinned maliciously. "It doesn't matter who won last time Hannah Rose. It matters who wins this time!" The group managed to make their way into the kitchen and all took their places around the table. The monopoly box was placed in the middle of the table, and within moments, there was shouting, laughing, and all around good times being made. And as happy as he was, the voices of his friends seemed to be getting quieter, and he suddenly couldn't hear right. His eyes unfocused, he couldn't see right anymore. Tommy could feel his social battery running down, ticking slowly, running out, his senses going down, down, down, down, down, down.

"Tommy, let's go. I want to show you my room!" Purpled yelled suddenly, standing up from the table, somehow getting through to Tommy. "What about our game?" Ranboo protested. "Let's take a break. I want to show Tommy my room before he has to leave!" Purpled insisted. "Yeah, I'm kind of hungry." Hannah chimed in. "Let's take a short break, and we can finish before Tommy has to leave." "Okay." Ranboo grudgingly agreed. "But make it short. I'm ready to win!" "Not a chance, the reigning champ is here to stay!" Hannah replied, playful arrogance clear in her voice.

Purpled reached for Tommy's arm, dragging him out of the room, up the stairs, and into a softly lit, spacious room. It had light purple walls, hardwood floors, and several lamps that gave off a soft and warm glow. Two small plush couches sat on one wall, both a very light lavender. A small table sat in the center of the couches, and a TV was on the wall opposite so that when lounging on the couches, you could watch TV. A bed was tucked into the far corner, and a window, with almost the exact same overhang that Tommy had below his window, was slightly open. A light breeze blew through Tommy's golden curls, and he felt his head clear ever so slightly. Purpled tugged him to the couch, sitting him down, and jumped back up to shut the door, locking it quickly. "Tommy, can you hear me?" He asked, judging how far gone Tommy was. "Mhm." Tommy mumbled in reply. "Shit. Okay, uh, listen to my voice, okay?" Tommy mumbled again, even more incoherent than before. Purpled started to stress. He didn't know what to do to bring Tommy back to reality. Glancing over at the window, he had a thought. He opened the window further, taking Tommy's hand and guiding him over to the open evening air, forcing him up and onto the bed. "Breathe with me Toms. Take a deep breath. You're okay. I'm here. It's okay." He watched as Tommy took deep breaths, but he still didn't seem quite right. "Tommy, name three things you can see." Purpled requested. "Mhmm, mhhhmmm, mhmm." Tommy mumbled. "Okay... try naming two things you can smell." He tried again. "Mhm–esh air, grass." He managed to get the words out correctly now, and Purpled smiled at his progress. "Okay, now one thing you can feel." He said. "Your hands." Tommy said, and Purpled looked down, embarrassed to find that he was still holding Tommy's hands. "No no, it's okay. I don't mind." Tommy reassured the boy and he tried to tug his hands away. Upon hearing the words, Purpled relaxed his hands, gently allowing himself to get a bit more comfortable in Tommy's presence.

"Purpled?" Tommy said. "Yeah?" Purpled replied, tearing his eyes away from the evening light outside. "Thank you. For not letting the others know about us. And for helping me through that." Purpled smiled at him. "I'd like to think that you would do the same, and it's never a problem. In any situation, I'd love to help." Tommy smiled. "Okay, you sap." He joked, but he became serious quickly. "Believe me Purp, I know we just reunited, and I have some trust issues, but I want to be there for you. I don't know what it is about you, but I really and truly trust you, and I'm going to stick by you. You can hold me to that." Purpled smiled again, turning back to the skyline. "Do you think you can go back down and play, or do you want to just go back?" Purpled asked, and Tommy considered. "I think I can make it a bit longer. Then, roof again tonight?" Purpled nodded. "Of course Big Man. I'll be there." Tommy laughed. "Glad to hear it. Let's go before they start fighting again." And the two headed back down the stairs to join in the festivities of game night once more.


Basically fluff lol. I've been working hard on You're Better Off Without Me, after that, I think I'll make a second vigilante au, and then if I get some inspiration, possibly a sequel to Black and White! If you want a sequel, comment and let me know, and maybe I'll make it happen. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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