A/N - New Book!

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I am very happy to announce my newest project! I've been just about ready to leak it, and now I'm finally able to give you all a title and description! Hopefully it will come out either right after this book is finished, or before this book is finished, but no set release date as of right now. Anyways, I hope you like the sneak peek of my next book!

 You're Better Off Without Me

(A TommyInnit Adoption Au)

What do you do when you start hearing voices, telling you horrible, awful things? What do you do when you've never had a real home, and don't have anyone to help you? What do you do when you've been abused for the majority of your life, bouncing from abusive foster home to abusive foster home? Such is the life of Tommy Innit, a young fourteen year old teenager with a traumatic past. When Tommy is taken in by a family of three, Tommy finds it hard to trust them, especially once the middle child, Wilbur, makes it clear that Tommy isn't wanted in his new family. What will Tommy do? Will he get the help he deserves, or will the voices prove to be too much?


I really hope you guys are enjoying Changing With The Tides, and now you have a new book to look forward to! I've been working really hard on You're Better Off Without Me, and I can promise you that it will be longer than Changing With The Tides. As I previously mentioned, no release date as of right now, but I'll update you all if I decide on a certain date. Seriously thank you for reading my books, Black and White is up to 9.5k reads now, which is insane! You guys are letting me do something I love by reading these books, and I appreciate each and every one of you. That's about all from me, I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3


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