Chapter Six: Never Thought I'd See You Again

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As much as Tommy hated to admit it, he was already becoming more comfortable around his friends. Their constant enthusiasm was infectious, and Tommy found himself more relaxed than ever before, though he didn't hesitate to continuously click the blue button on his bracelet for reassurance that there wasn't any danger. "Tommy! It's time to watch a movie! Get down here you gremlin child!" Tommy laughed and raced into the living room, jumping on the couch like a madman. It had been quite a while since he had been able to do this, and he was taking full advantage of the situation. "Tommy!" Wilbur smiled a little at the sight of the boy, a tangle of limbs, blankets, and pillows, all curled up on the couch. Techno was sprawled out on the floor, Phil in the armchair. "What do you want to watch Tom?" Wilbur asked. "Up." Tommy answered. And Tommy was happier than ever before.

That night, Tommy sat out on the roof, the night sky as beautiful as ever. The stars shone brightly, and the cool night air felt wonderful on his face. A soft breeze blew through the quiet evening, and Tommy felt at peace. His violin was tucked under his chin gently, and he slowly put the bow to the strings, getting a feel for the rhythm of his made up song before he drew out his first note. Everything stopped. It was as though some unimaginable force had sucked the breath out of everything around him. Tommy was the only moving, living creature in the night, and his bow was the only sound. At each new note, the world around him became more and more peaceful. Animals stopped moving, the trees stopped swaying, it was as though everything wanted to listen to the boy play. And play he did. He played for his happiness, for his problems, for his desires, for his anxiety, for his fears. He played for his friends, for his life, for his hope. He played his emotions away, and the world around him listened. It listened, and it cared, and Tommy felt understood. The world eased his pain, listened to his sadness, and cared for his well being. And Tommy couldn't help but wonder, why weren't people this quick to understand, this easy to project his emotions to? Why couldn't they understand his words, his pain, his reality? A pause. Then,

"Hey Tommy. Never thought I'd see you again." And with those simple words, the tranquility of the night came crashing down.

Chaos ensued quickly, and Tommy's first instincts were to fight the unknown person, even if their voice sounded familiar. He swung blindly, or so it seemed. Secretly, he had a pretty good idea of where the voice had come from. But to his surprise, his attempt to attack said person was blocked. "Whoa, calm down, calm down. It's just me, Purpled." Tommy turned in utter shock. "Purpled? How did you know I was here?" Purpled laughed at him, and to Tommy's surprise, he found that he didn't mind the teasing tone in which Purpled used. "You just put on a fucking performance dude! Of course I noticed!" Tommy found himself mindlessly laughing back. "You weren't supposed to know I was here." He stated. "Yeah, but I know now, so you wanna talk about it?" Tommy was both surprised and relieved at the straightforward approach that Purpled used. It felt nice. "Not really Big Man." Tommy glanced over at the boy, who was seated on the peak of the roof next to him. He didn't know why, but he trusted him. "Okay, I won't press. But I'm here if you need me." Tommy smiled, secretly very pleased with the thought. "Anyway, how the fuck did you do that?" Purpled asked him. "What?" Tommy asked, confused with the sudden switch in conversation. "Dude, I could literally feel every emotion you've ever felt. You quite seriously stopped nature. The wind fucking stopped moving, the animals froze, if I hadn't been able to move, I would have thought you fucking stopped time or some shit!" Tommy let a small smile play onto his lips. "I guess I'm just that good, huh?" Purpled just laughed. "You're scarily good. I bet if you really wanted to, you could be the best violin player in the world!" Tommy laughed again. It was probably the first time he had felt so happy and free in a long while. "I don't know what you're talking about Purp. It should be you who I'm questioning. How did you block that fucking punch? It was so well planned!" Purpled smiled back, happy to explain. "I'm just the best! But seriously, your punch was good, but I've gotten pretty good myself." He flexed his bicep, and Tommy gasped. "Wow, buff Purpled arc!" He joked. "Yeah, I guess I just needed something to keep me grounded." It was Tommy's turn to be surprised. That was exactly what he did with the violin. "Yeah, I get that." He said truthfully. "Hey, maybe we could get buff together!" He suggested, looking to Purpled with hopeful eyes. "I mean, I don't see why not." Purpled said, thinking aloud. "Alright, sure. But only if you play the violin for me." Tommy raised his eyebrows. "I've never played for someone before." He stated, his worry apparent. "Don't worry, I'm not someone. I'm your friend. Plus, you sounded fucking epic. I won't make fun of you, I just really like the way you play. It's both relaxing and so filled with emotions. I don't know how to describe it besides beautiful, and I want to hear more." Tommy giggled, intent on teasing his friend. "Woah, never would have guessed that Purpled would have some sappy shit welled up inside him." He said, suppressing a grin. "You little shit!" Purpled teased back. Tommy glanced towards the open window below him and sighed. "Same time tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. "Yeah, sure. I expect to hear some violin just for me!" Purpled replied, and the two said their goodbyes, smiling all the way to dreamland.


Woo! Fluff! I think the next post, which will be Tuesday, will contain the title of my next book! Then, Friday, I'll post the new description! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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