Chapter Twenty Three: White Hot Pain

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"Tommy!" Purpled said aloud, trying not to wake up the other members of the house. Then, he yelled it a bit louder. It wouldn't matter, he decided. They were sure to wake up to the sounds of fighting anyway. He turned his back to the man he was fighting and raced into the living room, surprised to see Tommy holding his own against two of the men. He was using Henry to 'appear' in random places around the room, and they couldn't tell which was Tommy and which was the hologram, giving him a pretty fair fight. Even though he didn't know how to fight properly, he was doing pretty well, and Purpled turned his attention back to the man behind him. Now, with hologram Tommy helping to distract the man, Purpled managed to stay pretty evenly matched with him, but wasn't able to gain the upper hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the SBI members all running down the stairs, and he remembered the promise he had made Tommy. He had to keep them away from Tommy. Unfortunately for Purpled, the man had also noticed SBI. He yelled something incoherent to his teammates and gestured towards the stairs. Tommy seemed to notice as well, and the hologram of himself quickly changed to one of Wilbur, who happened to be the closest to the bottom of the stairs. Techno raced down in front of Wilbur, trying to help, Phil right behind him, but Purpled raced over to the stairs and blocked the path, leaving Tommy to fight them all alone. Techno and Phil protested and tried to push past Purpled, but Purpled held them back with strength he hadn't known he had inside of him. Wilbur somehow squirmed passed Purpled, and Tommy turned, wide-eyed as one of the men immediately grabbed Wilbur. With speed Purpled hadn't known Tommy possessed, the blonde raced to Wilbur's aid, sticking his arm in the way of the dart the man tried to inject Wilbur with. Expecting Tommy to collapse from the tranquilizer, Purpled shouted the blonde's name, but Tommy didn't falter. It was as though he was immune to the dart. Tommy shoved Wilbur to Purpled and yelled, "Purpled, go! Get upstairs now!" Purpled immediately grabbed Wilbur's wrist and began shoving the SBI members up the carpeted stairs. He didn't question Tommy's reasoning. When he finally managed to get the members up the stairs, he glanced down at Tommy. He was still doing well, but it was a one against three, and even the hologram couldn't trick them for long. It was obvious the boy couldn't hold up much longer. "Purpled, what are you doing? Let us help him!" Techno protested, but Purpled didn't budge. "The backup plan won't fail." "There is no plan, you're just leaving Tommy alone!" Wilbur yelled back. Purpled glared daggers at the members. "Like you guys can talk about that. At least I was there for him when you guys decided to ignore him. I was there for him when he had panic attacks, when he found it hard to eat, and when have you been there for him? Do you even know his favorite color? Do you know anything about him? Plus, Wilbur, you had your chance to help. It just ended in Tommy saving your ass. You all need to stay here and let Tommy carry out the backup plan." "And what exactly is the backup plan?" Phil questioned, still trying to get down the stairs. "I don't know." Purpled admitted. "But he said to stay away unless you want him to die and yourself to be severely injured. Just stay here! They're after you guys anyway." "How do you know that?" Kristen asked. "Long story. They only have enough sedatives for two people, now one since they wasted one on Tommy. Believe me, they won't waste another one. They're coming for one of you guys, and you need to stay here." The five refocused on the fight, watching Tommy take hit after hit from the attackers, but they noticed Tommy didn't even wince at the pain. He looked like he was running out of steam though, and he was being punched pretty brutally. "Let us help!" Techno shouted again, pushing Purpled harshly. "No! Stay here!" Purpled yanked Techno back. "Look at him! He can't take them all out!" Just then, Tommy fell to the floor. "Let me go!" Techno yelled again, trying to pull free from Purpled's grasp. "Stop fighting! Cover your eyes! Now!" Tommy screamed hoarsely from the floor. "You heard him, do it, now!" Purpled yelled, dropping his hands from Techno. Against his better judgment, Techno slapped a hand over his eyes, as did the other three. Seconds later, a blinding white light shone through their eyelids. They heard a deafening scream, then sounds of people crumpling to the floor. The light died out, and Purpled slowly opened his eyes, glancing at the lower floor where the fight had occurred.

The house was silent. No one was fighting anymore. He looked at the ground, and his eyes widened in concern as he saw the sight before him. "Tommy!" Purpled yelled, running down the steps to the ground floor. Tommy was crumpled on the floor where he had been lying before the blinding light, completely unconscious. Around him, the attackers also lay unconscious. "What the fuck was that?" Wilbur yelled, running to Tommy's side. He knelt down and checked Tommy's pulse. "He's still breathing. What did he even do?" Purpled looked at the hand Wilbur had picked up, then to the gleaming yellow button on Tommy's bracelet, now looking more burnt brown than yellow. "No..." He whispered. "What?" Wilbur asked. "I think Tommy might have just shocked them with over 75,000 volts of electricity. And in order to do it, he shocked himself as well."


Tommy knew he had to press the button. But he was scared. So he held off. He kept fighting, kept dwindling down his energy, forcing Purpled to hold back the SBI members for longer than he should have had to. But he knew what this shock felt like firsthand. It didn't feel good. And he hadn't had enough time to work out how to save himself the pain. So he had just hoped for the best, hoped the police would arrive in time to save him from pressing the button, hoped he and Purpled would have been able to somehow, against all odds, defeat the attackers before he had to use the shock. But he hadn't been able to hold off long enough, and he wanted to protect SBI with his life. He knew it wasn't true, but he couldn't get it out of his head that his life didn't matter anyway, and so, after waiting for so long, he finally gave in. In order to protect SBI, he pressed the button.

He covered his eyes at least, so he wouldn't be blind, but before anything, his muscles froze. He couldn't move. After a split second that felt like forever, the pain kicked in, and he let out a deafening scream. It was white hot pain, sinking into his bones, seizing him from every angle and pouring into every tiny crevice of his body. It felt like his body was on fire, like it was melting his skin and tearing him apart from the inside out. There was no real way to describe what it felt like. It was unbearable, and he was only barely aware of the bodies crumpling to the ground around him and he convulsed in pain. Though it was only a few seconds of pain, it felt like hours, and Tommy found himself happy as he slipped in and out of consciousness for a few seconds. Every second of blackness felt relieving, like he had jumped into a cool pool for relief from the white hot pain. After a few seconds of fluttering in and out of consciousness, he gave in, and the darkness surrounded him, relieving his pain. The last thing he heard before everything went completely dark was Purpled screaming his name, and then everything went silent as he slipped into blackness.


Probably three more chapters to go, and then this book will be finished! It's definitely not as good as Black and White,  but I'll be making another vigilante book like Black and White after I'm done with this one and You're Better Off Without Me. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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