Chapter 18: Questions That Aren't Answered

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"Tommy, what happened that caused this?" Phil asked. They had finally been released from the hospital at nearly one o'clock in the afternoon, and were on their way back home. "I don't know." Tommy lied, glancing subtly at Wilbur before he returned his eyes to the floor. Wilbur looked at him, shocked. Why was Tommy lying for him? Phil asked another question. "Do you remember anything from that night?" Tommy shook his head. "Nope, just going to get a glass of water and falling, then Wilbur yelling for you guys." He lied again. Now, Wilbur was confused. Tommy remembered Wilbur yelling for Techno and Phil, so there was no doubt that he heard everything Wilbur had said. So why was he lying? "Okay mate, get some rest when we get home, and I'll bring up your dinner around seven, okay? We'll talk tomorrow after you're a bit more rested." Tommy nodded, keeping his eyes locked on the floor, subtly digging his nails into his palms, drawing small hints of blood. It was only a five minute car ride, but to Tommy, it felt like hours.

When they finally arrived at home, Tommy flew into the house and up the stairs, crashing through his bedroom door and shutting it behind him. On a quick afterthought, he locked it as well, then pushed the green button on his bracelet, patiently waiting for Henry to appear. "Hello Tommy!" Henry said as he came to life. "Hey Henry! Send a message to Purp for me. Let him know I'm ready to go." Henry went silent for a moment. "Message sent." Tommy nodded in response, opening his window and climbing out onto the roof. "You have received one message from Purpled. Would you like me to read it?" Henry asked. "Yes please." Tommy spoke. "Purpled says, 'On my way now.' Would you like to reply?" "No thanks Henry." Tommy waved to the hologram as he pushed the button again to put Henry away.

Soon enough, Purpled made his way up and over the edge to the roof. "You know, we've gotten a lot better at that since we first snuck out." Purpled remarked, barely out of breath. "Yeah, I guess we have." Tommy replied. "How are you feeling man?" Purpled asked. "A little shaken up, to be honest. I had to lie for Wilbur so he won't get in trouble." Purpled looked at him in surprise. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "Oh, piss off. I'm not planning to go up against a twenty year old man in a fight. I'm no snitch. Plus, no one would believe me anyway." Purpled looked at him sadly. "Wilbur wouldn't fight you. Plus, I believe you. Tell me what he said." Tommy shook his head. "I can't Purp. Just know it was horrible, awful things to say to an orphan. And that Techno and Wilbur have been talking about me behind my back." "Oh Toms, ignore them. It'll all be okay." Purpled said, hugging his friend. After a few moments, he let go. "I'm here for you. Now come on! We need to go search that tree before it gets dark. I don't want to run into your mysterious man at night." Tommy nodded, and the two slid carefully off the roof, sneaking away from the house as quickly as possible.

As the two friends reached the clearing in the forest with the lake, Tommy turned to Purpled. "We're looking for a V shaped tree." The two spread out, searching any tree that even semi-resembled a V. After a few minutes of searching to no avail, Purpled called Tommy over. "Could this be it?" He asked, pointing to a large tree. "Actually, I think this is the one!" Tommy said excitedly. "I'll boost you up." Purpled offered, making a cradle for Tommy's foot with his hands. "Okay, ready? One, two, three, lift!" Together, the two managed to get Tommy up far enough to see inside the crook of the branches. "Yes! There's something there!" Tommy called down to his friend. "Okay, again. One, two, three, lift!" Again, the two pushed upwards with all their might, this time managing to get Tommy up high enough to grab the item within the tree's branches. "I got it!" He celebrated, as the two fell to the ground. Dusting himself off, Tommy offered Purpled a hand, pulling him to his feet. "Come on, let's go back to my place. I have to be home by seven for dinner, so it's best if we make sure I'm home. They'll freak out if they find out I've left the house after my "accidental" panic attack." Tommy said. "Okay, but are you sure it's a good idea to take that with us?" Purpled asked, motioning to the black bag in Tommy's hands. "No, but I need to see it. We can take it back before it gets too dark. Come on, the quicker we get home, the faster I can truly analyze this thing." Purpled shrugged his shoulders before smiling mischievously. "Race you home!" He called over his shoulder as he took off running, gaining a huge head start on his friend.

The two made it back to the SBI house with plenty of time to spare. It was only half past three when they arrived, leaving them almost two and a half hours before they needed to head back to the lake and replace the bag. They were both really excited to see what was inside it, as well as extremely nervous. The two had decided to stay out on the roof, just in case there was something potentially dangerous inside. "Ready Purp?" Tommy asked, posed to unzip the bag. "Ready." Purpled confirmed. "Here we go." And Tommy unzipped the bag.


I hope you all have had a wonderful day! I know this chapter and the last one take a bit of a fantasy twist, but stick with me. I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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