Chapter 16: Purpled's POV

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Purpled's POV

I will admit, I'm panicking a little. Or maybe a lot. I didn't see Tommy all day, which isn't particularly unusual. We're both busy people, even though we are both on break from content creation. But then something happened that really worried me. Tommy wasn't out on the roof today. It's the first time since he's arrived that I haven't seen him at night. I keep telling myself over and over again that nothing is wrong, that he was just really tired, or maybe that he was downstairs with Will and Techno, but I know better. Will and Techno have been avoiding him. It was pretty obvious, if you were paying attention to it. Probably the only time I've seen them interact was when Will came to get Tommy on the night he first had a panic attack at the Tubnet house. Other than that, Tommy only ever mentioned hanging out with them once, on the movie night they had shortly after he arrived. I don't really know his relationship with Phil or Kristen, but I have to imagine it's close to the same, though I doubt they are actively avoiding him like the other two. I know Tommy finds it hard to trust them, and the fact that they have been avoiding him hasn't helped the situation at all, meaning Tommy probably did his best to keep away from all four members of his house. Stupid? Maybe. But it worked. At least for this long.

I think I'll go crazy if I keep sitting here like this. Tommy wouldn't have left with SBI without telling me, or at least leaving a note. I know how to open Tommy's window from the outside, maybe I'll go in, just to make sure Tommy is safe. I know it might sound stupid, but Tommy has never missed a midnight workout since we first started hanging out, and it worries me a lot that he didn't even leave me a note. It just isn't like him. I've had enough of waiting. I'm going in. The window jiggles open quickly, and I notice that Tommy's room is completely normal, except for the fact that he isn't in it. I slowly open his door, listening for any sounds whatsoever, but I don't hear anything. That worries me too. I started to make my way downstairs, where I imagined they would be, but the place looks deserted. I'm not concerned with making too much noise anymore, I just need to see Tommy. One by one, I throw open the doors to Techno, Wilbur, Phil, and Kristen's rooms, but the whole house is empty. Tommy is gone, and I haven't a clue where he went. I make my way back to Tommy's room, being sure to shut all the doors again so they won't be suspicious, not that they were here to be suspicious in the first place. I don't know what to do. Tommy was always the one who made the plans, who thought things out clearly. He was the tech person, the one who was always prepared. I guess I have to try to think like him, because now he isn't here to help me. I think back to the last interaction I had with him. He was comforting me, just like I had comforted him the first night he came over to the Tubnet house. He and I worked on security cameras, and— Wait. That's the answer! Tommy said there were test cameras around the house, and that they linked to his computer! All I have to do is find the footage, and I'll know what happened to Tommy. It's time to get to work.

It turns out, Tommy is a fucking nuisance to society. I probably should have known by now, but Tommy put a fuck ton of security on his computer. As his best friend though, I think I can get in. The first stage of security is a password. I'm pretty sure the only password Tommy uses is WifeHaver, so I type that in, and seconds later, the second stage appears. This one is a set of four pictures, and I have to choose the one with the most emotional value to Tommy. The first set of pictures are a phone, a dog, a pair of shoes, and a violin. Easy. I click the violin. Next, a bracelet, a book, a rubix cube, and an exercise ball. This one was a little more tricky. The exercise ball could symbolize our late night workouts, but ultimately, I choose the bracelet, since Tommy wears Henry all the time. The third set is actually just colors. The first one is blue, the second green, the third red, and the fourth yellow. His room is mostly light blue, but I'm pretty sure his favorite color is red, so I chose that one. With that, I move on to the third stage of security. "What goes up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up?" I read. I have no idea, riddles were Tommy's thing. But now I have to think. The word is eight letters long, and I don't have a clue what the answer is. But I have to get this right, for Tommy. So I think, what would Tommy do? First off, I break it up. "What goes up a chimney while it is down, but not down a chimney while it is up? This makes me think of things that could fold, but only one way. Then, I draw a mental picture. It needs to be able to fold down, but not fold the opposite way. And suddenly, it comes to me. In a flash, I type the word 'umbrella', and the computer finally opens. Now all I have to do is find the security footage.

Finding the security footage is actually a breeze. All I have to do is click on the obviously labeled app, and it brings up the security footage as of right now in the house. The hard part is going to be scrubbing through the footage to see what happened. I choose to skip back to the last time I saw him, which was around one in the morning yesterday. I watch the cameras as I skip forward. Suddenly, I see movement in the living room. I slow the footage down, and I notice Wilbur go into the living room and lie down. Moments later, I see movement in the kitchen. That one is Tommy. I put the speed on 1x and settled in to watch. The footage starts out normal. It appears that Tommy is heading into the kitchen, possibly to get a glass of water, or maybe a snack? And then Wilbur is on the move, heading towards Tommy. He reaches out and grabs Tommy's arm, and I notice the way Tommy freezes like he is in big trouble. Then, Wilbur appears to be saying something, almost like he is yelling at Tommy, and Tommy seems to start panicking. He struggles to take breaths, and all of a sudden, he collapses. Wilbur runs out of the room, but I keep watching Tommy. He seems to be conscious, but struggling greatly. Moments later, Wilbur returns with Techno, Phil and Kristen. Kristen goes outside, Phil and Techno pick up the barely conscious Tommy, and all five leave the house through the front door, disappearing from view. If I was worried before, I was definitely worried now. It appeared Wilbur had made Tommy have a panic attack, and if he was unconscious, they probably took him to the hospital. Hopefully he was doing alright, but I was really concerned. What if he didn't get to the hospital in time and he suffocated? Questions ran through my head, but I really just wanted to see Tommy. I carefully shut off his computer, making sure the security program was back in place, before leaving out the window, taking great care to shut it fully. Then, I headed back to the Tubnet house to gather my things, leaving a note on the table, letting the other members know that I wouldn't be back for a little while and I had something personal to take care of. It only took a few minutes to grab my things and find directions to the nearest hospital. It was time to sneak into a hospital to make sure Tommy was alright.

Sneaking into the hospital was actually pretty easy. I just snuck past the front desk and wandered the halls, looking for SBI. I found them pretty easily. Actually, the hard part was getting past Will, Techno, Phil, and Kristen, who were basically taking turns being guards outside his room. But after a little while of waiting, the foursome took a minute or two break, and I took the opportunity to sneak inside, shutting the door behind me. I hated to see Tommy like this, with all those wires and tubes connected to him, but I had to see him. "Tommy?" I asked, almost in a whisper. "Please," I prayed. "Please wake up."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Wattpad has a scheduled maintenance time on January 10, so if I am unable to post the first chapter of Your Better Off Without Me, I'll post it on the 11th. I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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