Chapter 15: Techno's POV

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Techno's POV

Will and I have been on the same page since day one. If Tommy wants to be our friend again, he needs to initiate the first conversations. I've never been good at conversations anyways. But nearly three weeks after he moved in, we aren't any closer to friends again. I know it breaks Phil's heart to see him this way. Even if I haven't been super close to the kid, I still notice things, like how he constantly looks for an escape route, or how little he eats in front of us, or how he seems to like being on his own more than being with us. I actually only really had one interaction with the kid. I invited him into my room to talk, probably the first or second day he arrived. At first, he seemed scared, like he thought I was going to do something to him. It was concerning, but he followed me without too much hesitation. But once I asked about the scar on his face, it was like he flipped a switch. His face went completely blank, and he got almost angry. He started talking through clenched teeth, telling me that his time in the orphanage was fucked up, and that he had a horrible time there. Then, he changed once again, acting like nothing happened. I should have been more concerned, but after I let it go, he seemed perfectly fine. He didn't bring it up again, and we talked for a few more minutes, though in hindsight, he didn't really tell me much about himself. After a bit, I let him go, and he went off to his room and stayed there. After a while, I kind of forgot about our interaction, and it was almost as if Tommy wasn't even living with us anymore.

Tommy's behavior really made Will upset though. Will used to be so close to Tommy, so it hit him the hardest when Tommy seemed like he didn't want anything to do with us. He and I had a lot of late night conversations, and he managed to convince me that Tommy was fine, and that he just didn't want to live with us. I know, it doesn't make any sense at all. But I have to admit, Will is kind of right. Tommy doesn't seem to want anything to do with us. Either way, I was up late one night, and I heard talking in Tommy's room. I couldn't tell what was going on, but either Tommy was on the phone with someone, or he was talking to himself, I guess. There's no way someone managed to sneak all the way through the house and into his room. But after that, I would notice it every so often, and sometimes, I would hear the tail end of a violin solo. And holy crap were those violin solos good. I would quite literally get frozen in place, just to listen to the song. But it made Will jealous that Tommy was talking to someone so openly, and even more so because Tommy could play an instrument so beautifully. Music was supposed to be Will's thing, apparently.

Other than that, Tommy seemed to be gone a lot. He would always say he ate lunch with the Tubnet house members, and he would go up to his room directly after dinner. Maybe I should have known something was wrong with him. But I was too blinded by my own feelings and emotions to even consider his, and I don't know if I can forgive myself for that.

One night, I heard something come from his room. I could tell he was moving around the house, and I wanted to know what he was doing. But before I could follow him downstairs, Will came running up the stairs, yelling that Tommy was having a panic attack and that he needed help right away. Of course, I helped. Phil and I carried him out to the car. The whole way to the hospital, Will swore Tommy was just being dramatic. But I could tell he wasn't. He was completely limp, and something was obviously wrong.

I think Will feels more guilty about the whole thing now. He didn't realise that Tommy wasn't faking it, and now that he knows, he feels awful. There really isn't much I can say to him though. It's not like Tommy is going to know about what Will said in the car, or how jealous Will was of him. At that point he was already unconscious, so I guess I don't understand why Will thinks Tommy will hate him, but whatever. It isn't my job to play counselor.

Then again, that's what we said about Tommy. We said it wasn't our job to make friends, that we shouldn't be the ones initiating contact, and here we are. Maybe I should talk to him. I'm not the best at emotions, but maybe it would help. I'll save that for a later time though.

As messed up as it sounds, the main reason I want Tommy to wake up is for Will, and I guess myself. I feel very selfish, but if he didn't wake up, the two of us would be destroyed. We have done nothing but talk bad about him since he arrived, and worse than that, Will seems to think Tommy's panic attack was his fault. I guess I'll talk to him about that later too. Something must have happened between the two of them to make him feel that way. I think we are all going to stay in the hospital with Tommy tonight. No matter the reasons, I need Tommy to wake up soon. He can't stay this way for too long, right?


I know this was a relatively short chapter, but I didn't want to put two different POV's at the same time. I think it could get too confusing, so I'm splitting them up. Next post will be Purpled's POV. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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