Chapter Twenty One: To Kidnap SBI

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"Have a look at your map and start to the south. We've got a lot of property to check, but from what I could see in their streams, this is the place. It would make a lot of sense too. It's off the grid, but they couldn't hide their location from me!" The first voice was nasally, and they cleared their throat. "Sorry, us." The second, deeper voice corrected. High pitch gave a grunt of approval, and deep voice spoke again. "Be careful, but I doubt they're awake now. Check in by one. If all goes well, we will carry out phase two tomorrow." "Copy that." High pitch replied. The static dissipated, and the man stalked out of frame from their security cameras. "Purpled, I think they were talking about SBI." Tommy said worriedly. Purpled looked at him, shock evident in his face. "We have to tell someone!" Tommy shook his head. "They won't believe me." Purpled glared at his friend. "Tommy, yes they will. They care about you, whether you like it or not." Tommy shrank back a bit, and Purpled sighed. "I'm sorry Tommy. We don't have to tell them until we have evidence. But somehow or another, you're going to have to learn to trust them. You live with them, for god's sake!" Tommy visibly relaxed, and Purpled let out a breath. "We need to find out where that person is. If our theory is correct and they are after SBI, we need to be prepared. We need to make sure they don't find the house, and we need to find out exactly when they will stumble upon it. Tommy cringed, and Purpled looked at him. "What?" He asked, his voice laced with worry. "It's just... I know where they are going to search. And if I'm right, they're going to find the house tonight."

"You're just now telling me this?" Purpled almost exploded, Tommy sliding slightly away. "Yeah, I didn't know they were looking for SBI!" Purpled sighed in exasperation. "Okay, we have to stop them. I don't think anyone other than us knows about these guys, but somehow, we have to get them out of the property." Tommy looked at him. "Are you crazy? We have no idea what these guys are capable of!" "Are you saying you want to tell Phil?" Purpled shot back. "No, but–" Tommy was cut off by the sound of static in their ears. "I found it! Right where we thought it was!" High pitch spoke with pride. "Perfect. Actually, since we found it so quickly, why not advance to phase two tonight? They should all be asleep, now is the perfect time to strike!" Purpled and Tommy looked at each other with wide eyes, their fear unspoken. "Care to reiterate, just to make sure we know what we're doing?" High pitch asked. "You forgot the plan, didn't you?" Deep voice accused. "Maybe?" High pitch squeaked. "You are intolerable. You need to find a way in. I don't care how you do it, just make sure you don't get caught. Then, I'll come, and we've got enough sedatives to get at least two, probably the weakest. Just go find us a way in, and don't mess up!" Tommy and Purpled looked at each other in utter and complete terror. "Purp, we have to stop them. They're trying to kidnap SBI!"

There was no time to waste. They didn't have time to convince the members of the house that they were under attack. No, instead, they had to do this themselves. "Okay, they aren't going after the Tubnet house, but one of them is on their way here right now. The logical thing would be to call the police, but it will take a while for them to arrive, so in the meantime, we have to hold off the attackers. We don't know how many there are, I can't imagine there would be more than four, but we know there are at least two. We have eyes on the clearing, and access to their communicators, but we know nothing about how armed they are other than that they have enough sedatives for two people. We know their motives, but not their means, and we need to find a way to trap the house or something, and do it fast." Tommy was speaking quickly, and Purpled nodded. "I'll go out on the roof and call the police, what should I say?" Tommy thought for a second. "Just say there was someone suspicious outside your house and you think they were following you home. Tell them you don't know what to do, but that you think you saw a gun. They should send at least one officer to check it out, and that sounds believable enough." Purpled nodded. "I'll go out on the roof and see if I can see any of them, and once I'm done calling the police, I'll let you know what I found out." Tommy nodded in dismissal, and Purpled climbed out the window. Tommy tried to take a breath, but found that he couldn't. No, not now, he thought, as he sank to the floor. He had things to do! But he was unable to avoid the incoming panic. So he did what he had done before he had Purpled to help him. He dug his nails into his wrists, drawing blood at every touch, making thin, sharp lines down his arms. The pain was nothing compared to what Tommy had been through, and all it took was a little bandaging after he was done to be back to normal. As his breathing slowly returned to normal, he glanced down at his arms. They were a bloody mess. He didn't have time for this. He needed to get to work. With one last glance at his bloody arms, he threw on a black sweatshirt to hide them, and turned back to his computer. He needed to come up with a plan.

Purpled returned from the rooftop moments later. "I saw him heading towards the front door, and looking in the windows. According to their earpieces, as far as they know, no one is awake. We just have to catch them off guard." Tommy turned to face his friend, worry evident on his face. "How long until the police arrive?" Purpled shook his head. "A half an hour. They didn't think it was super serious based on my claim, and we live pretty far out." Tommy's face twisted. "I don't know what to do, Purp! I can't think straight! This is all my fault if something happens to them!" Purpled shook his head. "No it's not. You and I both know this isn't your fault at all. We are doing our best to keep them safe, and that's going to have to be enough. Okay?" Tommy looked away. "Come on Toms, surely you have some gadget you can use! What about Henry?" Tommy looked down at his bracelet doubtfully. Then, his eyes lit up. "I have an idea, but we need to work quickly. Go back out on the roof, and let me know when they start coming to the house. Hopefully, I'm done in time." Purpled nodded without hesitation and hurried out onto the roof, earpiece in one ear. Tommy turned back to his suitcase and the waterproof bag of untouched tech from the orphanage. He hadn't taken the time to experiment with it, since he had been so busy with the computer and Purpled, and he hadn't even thought to modify the bracelet. Now however, was the perfect time to add a new feature. He just had to hope and pray that he had enough time to finish his device, because he didn't have a backup plan. "Please work." He whispered as he took off his bracelet and unscrewed the back plate. His steady hands got to work, adding piece after piece after piece. "Please, please keep them safe."


Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I wanted my two books to be on the same schedule. I was originally going to move my other book up a day, but I was busy yesterday, so I decided to just push this upload back a day. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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