Chapter Seven: Reuniting With The Tubnet House

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"Tomm– Woah, you woke up in a good mood." Wilbur smiled at Tommy as the boy sprung up out of bed. "Today, as long as you're up for it, we're going to have you meet the members of the Tubnet house. That includes Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, and Hannah. Are you okay with that?" At the mention of Purpled, Tommy's eyes lit up, and he nodded. "Yeah, sure!" Wilbur looked at him with a mix of concern and pride in his eyes. "I'm glad. Come on gremlin, it's breakfast time!" Tommy's stomach clenched. "Can we meet them first? I'm not sure I can eat much with the nervousness." Tommy requested. It wasn't the truth, but it was as close to the truth as he could bear to say aloud, and it seemed to work, as Wilbur bought his excuse. "Yeah, sure, I'll tell Phil to see how soon we can go over." He turned and left Tommy be, closing the door behind him.

Tommy let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. He wanted to see Purpled again. In fact, he longed to see his friend, which was surprising, considering his trust issues. Last night, he felt like he was no longer alone. He and Purpled were more similar than different, and last night just proved that to be true. He had felt more comfortable around Purpled than he had felt around anyone in a long time, even more comfortable than he felt around Wilbur and Techno, who he was beginning to trust. He hadn't told Techno much in his room that day, just things that felt normal. For example, his love for video games. Or really, anything tech related. He was pretty good at most games he played because he understood tech in a way that others didn't, though he didn't go that far into detail, nor did he explain what exactly he liked to do with all the technology he acquired. Other than that, he had explained that he liked to go on walks or sit outside alone because it gave him time to think, which in hindsight, could be a really good excuse for escaping to see Purpled. He wasn't sure why, but he felt the need to keep his and Purpled's relationship a secret, at least for now. Which led him to the source of his anxiety that morning, would Purpled give up the truth that they had already reunited? He hadn't gotten a chance to say anything to the boy about keeping his secret, after all, the members of the house didn't know about his nightly adventures on the roof, and he certainly didn't want them to find out. But if Purpled told anyone about him, his secret could very well be revealed, and Tommy definitely didn't want that. As his stomach tied itself in knots, he heard a knock at his door. "Come in!" He called, and Phil entered, standing near the door. "If you get dressed now, we can head over in about a half an hour. Sound good?" Tommy nodded in agreement, and Phil left, closing the door once more to allow Tommy to change. This was it, would his secret be out already?

Tommy headed down to the living room, small butterflies dancing around in his stomach. He kept calming himself by mindlessly pressing the blue button on his bracelet, a constant reminder that he wasn't in any danger here. Still, the nerves persisted, though he didn't let it show. "Ready?" Wilbur glanced back over at Tommy, making sure he was set before he opened the door and practically pulled him outside. "Come on, they're going to be so fucking excited!" Tommy allowed himself to be pulled across the lawn to the road-like driveway that led to a pastel yellow house just around the corner. As Wilbur dragged Tommy up to the front door, he noticed Purpled in one of the upstairs windows. He saw Purpled's face light up, but Tommy gave him a look and shook his head. Purpled looked at him, confused, before he seemed to realise what Tommy wanted to say and disappeared from sight. Wilbur followed Tommy's gaze, confused when all he saw was an open window. Shaking it off, Wilbur spoke. "Alright, here we go!" He released Tommy's arm as Phil raised a fist to knock on the door. Knock knock knock. "I would've just kicked the door down by now." Techno muttered. Kristen gave him a warning glance and he shut up. Then, the door flew open, and Tommy felt himself go flying.

In the mere seconds the foursome had spent opening the door, they had each individually figured out who he was, and he was almost instantly tackled by three of the four, Purpled being the only one to stay back. "Tommy!" Tubbo and Ranboo yelled, while Hannah just seemed to be happy to see him again. "Hey guys." Tommy replied awkwardly, and to his relief, the trio who had tackled him got up rather quickly, helping him to his feet. "Hey Tommy! I can't believe it's really you!" Purpled called from behind the others. "Hey Purp!" Tommy replied, relieved with Purpled's acting job. For now, his secret was safe. "Tommy, I have so much to show you. Come on!" Tommy laughed at Tubbo's antics, and he allowed himself to be pulled into the Tubnet house, waving a careless goodbye in SBI's direction as the door shut behind them.


Sorry for the short chapter, but my new book is announced today! I'll post the description soon! Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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