Chapter Twenty Two: Fight?

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 Only ten minutes later, Purpled burst through the window. "They're here!" He said breathlessly. "How many?" Tommy asked, his focus never leaving the bracelet. "Three from what I saw. I don't think there are any more coming." Tommy nodded. "Where are they coming in?" Purpled shrugged. "I have no idea. We'll find out soon enough." Tommy nodded in response. "Are you finished?" Tommy shook his head. "No, but it will have to do. I'm going to need you to trust me though, and if I say to leave, I need you to follow my instructions quickly and without hesitation. If I must use this and it works correctly, you can't be anywhere near me when I press this button." He set the last piece in place and screwed the plate back on, reclasping the bracelet to his wrist. Its new button, a bright yellow one, gleamed dangerously. "Come on. We need to be ready for them. Let's go downstairs and get into position." Purpled looked at him, confused. "What position?" He asked. "Take your gloves." Tommy said in reply, tossing them across the room to his friend. "And hurry up. I'll explain when we get down there. We don't have much time." Purpled took the gloves frustratedly. "Tommy, I need to know what you're planning to do!" Tommy glanced over at his friend, and Purpled could see the look in his eyes. He was determined as ever, his face a stone, completely blank. "Tommy?" Purpled asked, but Tommy didn't answer. He opened the door, and Purpled followed behind him as they headed down the steps.

"Purp, your job is to lure them one at a time to me so that we can double team them. Start by shooting one of them with this. It's a tranquilizer gun. Then, try to get the other two to me so it's a fair two on two. Your priority above everything else is to make sure Techno, Phil, Kristen, and Wilbur do not interfere. Find a way to keep them away from the attackers, no matter what. Actually, better idea. Keep them away from me. If I tell you to leave, I need you to do so with no hesitation unless you want me to die, or you to be severely injured. Other than that, I don't really have a plan, so just adapt and yell for me if you need help." Purpled looked at Tommy, wide-eyed. "You don't have a plan?" Tommy shook his head. "I have a backup plan, just no plan." Purpled's face quickly morphed into fear. "Relax. Use your gloves to climb the walls and shit, we've gotten pretty good at that. Use our training. Just do what you feel would work best, and if you need help, call for me. I promise, the backup plan won't fail if you do as I say." Purpled didn't look like he believed Tommy, but it wasn't like he had a better idea. "Why aren't we using the backup plan if you're sure it will work?" Purpled asked. Tommy's face turned to stone again, but changed back pretty quickly. "Because. Now you need to get up on the bookshelf in the corner, the one that overlooks the living room and kitchen. Take this." He held out the dart gun, and Purpled took it nervously. "Go over there. I'll be in the living room. Yell if you need me, and try to lure them into an unfair fight." A soft thump echoed around the downstairs, followed by a much louder one, and Tommy turned to get into position. "Good luck Purp." He ran out of the room, leaving Purpled atop the bookshelf, with only a dart gun to protect himself.

It was only moments later that the first of the attackers appeared. He was dressed all in black, but by the way he moved, Purpled was pretty sure this was the high pitched voice from the earpiece who had actually found the house. He didn't know how to use a gun, but it was now or never to learn. Carefully, he pointed the gun at the man, then pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Purpled didn't understand. Why wasn't it working? He tried again. Nothing. The third time, the trigger made a clicking noise, but still didn't shoot. "Who's there?" The man below him asked, swiveling to look around. Come on! Purpled thought, trying his best to fix the issue with the gun. "Oh, who's this?" Purpled glanced down and saw the man looking straight at him, smiling mercilessly. "You're going to have to be quiet. We wouldn't want you alerting the house of our presence, would we?" Purpled resisted the urge to scream and instead tried one more time to shoot the dart gun. "Fuck." He cursed under his breath. Well, time to improvise. Using his gloves, he latched onto the ceiling and jumped, using his momentum to kick his feet into the man, hitting him square in the head. The man crumpled, and Purpled let go of the ceiling, effortlessly landing on his feet. Unfortunately, as soon as the first man fell, a new one appeared. How many were there? He was definitely underprepared to fight these full grown adults. Time to call for help. 


Kind of a short chapter today, but the story is winding down! Again, while reading my stories, don't take anything within them literally. I know in the next chapter or two someone will comment about how unrealistic the ending is, and I know that. My books are not one hundred percent realistic in every way. Just a warning. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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