Chapter 17: Visions

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Tommy's POV

It was dark. Why was it so dark? I could hear a constant beeping, but I had no idea what it was. Suddenly, I was whooshed into a forest. It was almost black, and the trees loomed overhead, blocking out the moon and stars of the night. I could feel the wind rushing through my clothes as I was pulled through the dense, unsettling darkness. Suddenly, I came to a halt, and I could see a small, familiar looking lake. In a flash, it all came back. This was where Purpled and I went to work out! But that didn't explain why I was here. Suddenly, someone else came into view. I couldn't make out their face, but they walked over to a tree in the shape of a V and took something from inside it. Then, they started moving again, and I could feel myself following this mysterious person, the leaves occasionally brushing my skin, reminding me that this was real. They kept moving for what felt like forever before the person seemed to give up, returning to the lake and replacing whatever it was they had retrieved from the tree. They seemed to be looking for something. Then, they turned and melted into the darkness, and the vision disappeared.

Everything returned to black, and I could hear the beeping again. All I could think about were questions. Who was that person? What were they looking for? What had they retrieved from the tree? Suddenly, it seemed imperative that I wake up. I struggled, light against dark, pulling, trying to force my eyes to open. But it was so tiring. I was losing the battle miserably. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a sound. "Tommy?" A quiet voice asked. "Please, please wake up." The voice gave me strength, and I returned to the battle full force, this time winning! My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light. My voice was gravely, soft, wispy. "Hey Purp! We have a lot to talk about."

Third Person POV

Tommy smiled at his only friend, while Purpled looked at him in shock. "Tommy! Are you okay?" "Shh! SBI are outside, and technically I haven't woken up yet!" Tommy hissed. "Well, technically, I'm not here." Purpled shot back. "You did not break into a hospital to make sure I was okay." Tommy deadpanned. "Yes I did. And I broke into your computer and found the security footage." Purpled said proudly. "You did what? Never mind, forget I asked. We have something really important to do. While I was asleep, I had this really weird vision thing, and I could see this creepy guy in the forest, at our spot. It could be the guy who was there before, and he got something out of this weirdly shaped tree. We need to go there as soon as possible and find out what he was getting out of the tree, and why he is here." Purpled looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure it wasn't just a really weird dream?" Purpled asked. "Well, the only way to find out is to look for it, right?" Tommy reasoned. "I just have to get released from this hell-hole. Actually, how are you going to get out?" Purpled glanced towards the door, then towards the window. "I guess I'm taking the window." He said. "Don't hurt yourself, Purp..." Tommy warned, but the boy was already climbing out the window and down the side of the building, using Tommy's sticky gloves to safely make it to the bottom. He waved at Tommy from the ground before he turned around and disappeared from view, leaving to go home. With nothing else to do, Tommy shut the window and pressed the button that would call a nurse to his room. Somehow, he was going to have to find a way to sneak out when he got back to the SBI house, because he and Purpled had work to do.

Within a few moments of pressing the button, a nurse burst into the room, followed quickly by Wilbur, Techno, Phil, and Kristen. As soon as he saw Wilbur's guilty face, Tommy turned off his emotions. Just blank. Nothing else. He could still hear the things Wilbur had yelled, tugging at his memories, especially the bad ones. He wasn't too keen on giving that bitch any forgiveness anytime soon. And let's not forget about Techno. At least Wilbur had the decency to tell Tommy what he thought about him to his face, while Techno was just talking bad about him behind his back. He could still hear Techno's muffled sentences from the car, asking Wilbur, "Why are you so worried? It's not like he knows about what we said in my room. He knows we care about him. It'll all work out."

The nurse quickly moved towards Tommy, causing him to flinch just a bit. It was one thing to suppress the urge to flinch in front of his friends, who he knew personally, but it was a whole other thing to suppress flinches at the hands of a random stranger. He noticed the way Wilbur's face changed as he processed Tommy's flinch, becoming even more guilty, if that was possible, but Tommy shut it all out. Instead, he focused on the nurse's hands, making sure she wouldn't do anything to possibly harm him. He knew the questions would fly in due time, and that he would have to lie for Wilbur. He knew the consequences of telling anyone about Wilbur's words, and it wasn't like anyone would believe him anyway. It was his word against Wilbur's, a mentally unstable foster kid versus a perfectly capable twenty year old man. That was how things worked in the life of an orphan. Snitch, and you pay the consequences. The difference now was that he actually had someone to care about him, Purpled, who he could trust with his life. In the past, he may have wanted to end it all, after all, his friends didn't even seem to care about him, but now, he had something to live for. And so, with Purpled in mind, he slowly tuned back into the world around him, and prepared his answers for the questions that were bound to come. 


Don't forget, the first chapter to You're better off without me  will be posted tomorrow! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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