Chapter Twenty: A Talk With Wilbur

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"Wh-what do you want?" Tommy silently cursed at himself for stuttering. His words came out more questioning than accusing, and Wilbur stood there awkwardly. "I just wanted to talk to you..." Tommy shook his head. "I'm tired." He lied. "Tommy, come on. Let's talk." Scared to say no, Tommy's eyes showed his fear, and he looked down at the floor. "Can I come in?" Wilbur asked. "No! I mean, no, please don't." Tommy said in almost a whisper, his eyes never leaving the ground. "Okay, um, we can go to my room?" Tommy kept his eyes on the ground, but didn't protest. Awkwardly, Wilbur started to walk away, looking back to make sure Tommy was following, which he was. The two entered Wilbur's room, and Tommy took time to examine all of his escape options before standing uncomfortably as far away from Wilbur as possible. "Sit down Tommy." Wilbur gestured to the bean bag chairs in the corner of his room. "Make yourself comfortable." Gingerly, Tommy sat down on one of the chairs. Wilbur shut the door and locked it before turning his attention to Tommy. "Tommy, why did you lie about your panic attack?"
Tommy looked at the floor and didn't say anything. Wilbur should know full well why he hadn't snitched. "Tommy," Wilbur began, but Tommy cut him off. "I won't say anything about it, I promise, just let me go back to my room." He spoke in a rush, his eyes never leaving the floor. "Tommy, why wouldn't you say anything?" Wilbur asked, his voice laced with concern. Tommy didn't answer. "Please Tommy, I just don't understand why you took the blame for me." His voice was genuine, and Tommy didn't understand it. Obviously it was to avoid being beaten, why else? "So you don't get in trouble." Tommy muttered quietly. "I don't really want to fight you." He whispered quietly, but Wilbur heard. "Tommy, I would never hurt you." He reached out, but Tommy shrank back, and Wilbur froze, hurt evident on his face. "Tommy, do you trust me?" Wilbur asked, lowering his hand. Tommy didn't move, and Wilbur felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. "Can I go now?" Tommy asked quietly. "Sure." Wilbur said, moving out of the way as the blonde crossed the room in a hurry, unlocking the door and rushing to his room, shutting himself inside. Wilbur watched him leave on the brink of tears before rushing over to Techno's room and knocking on the door. "Techno, I need you. We've made a huge mistake."

Tommy locked his door before sitting down on his bed, putting his head in his hands. He didn't understand why Wilbur had to act so genuine. He had already kept up his end of the deal, just leave him alone! Unless... No. There wasn't a person in the world that wanted to get in trouble, especially when there was a perfectly harmless and mentally unstable child to pin the blame on. But still, Wilbur looked awfully hurt when he said he didn't trust him...

Purpled arrived almost an hour later, and Tommy really needed someone to talk to, so he was very happy to see his friend. "Hey Toms! What's on your mind?" Purpled asked, seeing Tommy's frazzled state. "A lot of things. Let me pull up the camera footage and the audio." Tommy said. "Then we'll talk." He maneuvered the computer masterfully with carefully practiced accuracy, and Purpled laughed. "You would be so good at shooting games now. You should get back into content creation after you feel a bit more stable in life." He suggested. Tommy shrugged noncommittally. "I don't know. It'll all depend on where I'm at in my life. Half the Smp doesn't even know about me, all because I wanted it to "be a surprise". In truth, I just didn't want everyone to be let down if I decided to leave." Purpled looked at him, surprised. "You wouldn't do that now, would you?" Tommy shook his head and smiled at his friend. "Of course not! I have you to stay here for now." He finished messing with the computer and sat back, ready to start explaining. "Alright, let's talk about SBI."

The two sat out on the roof, each with one of Tommy's airpods in to listen to the devices Tommy had tapped into. "So, basically, Wilbur yelled at me and caused my panic attack, but he didn't tell Phil. So I didn't say anything, because I'm not looking for a fight or anything, and I don't want to get him in trouble." Purpled looked at him sympathetically. "Dude, Wilbur doesn't want to fight you. I promise." Tommy just looked away. "Anyway, he called me into his room today and started asking me all these questions about why I wasn't telling Phil the truth, like he didn't already know, and then he asked me if I trusted him." Purpled glanced at Tommy, surprised. "What did you say?" He asked, genuinely curious. "I didn't say anything." Tommy confessed. "Do you trust him?" Purpled asked. Tommy shrugged. "Tommy, I hate to be that guy, but either you trust him, or you don't." Tommy shrugged again. "I guess not." He said quietly. Purpled looked away slightly, wishing for a different answer. "But then he looked kind of upset." Tommy continued his story. "So I asked if I could leave, and he said sure, so I went to my room." Tommy watched Purpled carefully, and Purpled placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder comfortingly. "I'm afraid I did the wrong thing." Tommy confessed. "He looked pretty upset, and I'm pretty sure he went to talk to Techno." Purpled pulled the blonde into a side hug. "You didn't do anything wrong Tommy. Wilbur won't hurt you, and I'm always here for you." The comfortable silence that followed only lasted a few minutes before a dull static rang through the earphones. "They've been activated! Come on! Let's go see what the cameras show!" Tommy stood up and grabbed Purpled's hand, pulling him in through the window and over to the computer. "Look!" He said excitedly. The two watched as the computer screen showed a man dressed in all black climb down the tree. A few seconds later, the first sounds entered their earbuds. "Testing,​​ testing. I'm ready to begin."


Next chapter has a wild twist! This book is obviously fictional, and it has a few parts that you may think are very unbelievable, but stick with me. I stay pretty true to the realistic fiction genre, even with those obviously fake components. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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