Chp 42 She's gone

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I opened my Mac when I heard an alerting bing in audio.

It's an email.

I scanned through the passage and altering finding out its a not a scam and whatnot, my eyes searched for the sender.

The name registered in my mind and I groaned out loud like a hungry bear.

"I don't want to," I whispered to myself as I tapped the 'write' on the top of the page and I started to type out a short letter.

After ignoring some Grammer mistakes, I clicked send back and viola, it's done.

Minutes later, he yelled and I heard stomping towards my room. "I don't care, Isabella. You're going."

"But Carlisle, I went last week. Can't Alice go this time?" I pouted and swirled around on the chair. I can't go on a business trip anymore! It's so tiring and boring. I'm like Carlisle's assistant, taking notes or everything what the higher royalties said.

"Isabella," he warned, giving me the stare. "Must I?" I whined. I can't believe this. Damnit, looks like I'm going to Nottingham!


"We can't do this anymore."

She whipped her head towards me, dropping the laundries on the wooden table as her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "What do you mean? Why can't us? If I don't understand!"

"Mia," I trailed off. This is going to be hard.

"Have she found out?" She has the right to know. She has the right to know.

"No but-"

"Then it's alright." She smiled and took the fallen vest up from the table and begun folding it to a basket.

Everything's not alright.

"You know Edward, I was thinking about-"
"But I need money and all--"

She hummed out uncaring.
"Amelia," I started with my throat closing up. "Mia, I can't do this anymore. This is absurd! This is wrong and never right! I-i can't betray Bella!" I shouted with my fingers slowly weaving through my hair.

"Edward," She turned around and placed her dainty hands on my arms with a soothing tone. She wound my waist in a tight embrace as she place her head on my shoulder. "Everything will be alright. This will be right. This has always been right! I'm crazy for you! I'll do anything for you. This is right, Eddie. We are together. I'm yours, your mine. I love you."

Everything that came out of her mouth stunned me. From the first to the last. Everything she said sounded perfect and true. It's like a masterpiece created.

Oh Mia.

|third person|.

As Edward and Mia was in a tight embrace, little did they know someone was watching them.

I left out a huge puff of breathe.
That fucking asshole.

Slowly and carefully, I stepped gown from the pile of gigantic stones as I scrambled away from the crime scene.

Bitch, traitor, bitch, traitor.

I chanted in my mind as I raced back to the main tower of the palace. I tried not to make a sound as I hurried to Bella's room.

"Bella!" I gasped out when I barged into their room. Did he and the whore had sex here? Glancing at the bed pile of clothes, I took a couple seconds to get a grip.

"Hey!" Bella broke into a full grin. "thank god your here. Can you help me zip up the luggage?"

"where are you going?" I asked as I made my way to the brown bag on the floor.

"Carlisle told me I had to go to Nottingham. So yep." She shrugged and threw a smile towards me. Little did she know what Is happening behind her back.

"Uhm, did uh-" that fucking asshole "Edward know?" I rasped out.

Bella let out a laugh and nodded. "i guess he did. I just sent out a message to him. It'll be a few days, I'm sure. He's gonna be fine."

"But just came home for like two weeks!" I scrambled to zip the huge luggage. "whatevs" She chuckled and took the luggage from me. "ah thanks! I gotta leave now. Watch Edward for me. Don't kill him." She warned and turned to left the room.

"Bye!" She laughed.

The door of her room bang with a thud. Great, now Bells are not home for days. What will asshole and whore do?

(kiss me)

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