Chp 52 Withdrawn

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The black heels clicked onto the pale concert floor as the hem of her coat around her body flew as she stepped out of a taxi in style.

The shades were on, although it was almost midnight, her red lipstick was applied and the red coat around her screamed DANGER as she slammed the door of the bright colored taxi that matched her red coat. A puff of air blew out of her ruby red lips and she ripped off her shades.

Mr Black is clever for finding these conspicuous places like this. The cold November air blew pass her as she leaned onto a dimmed lamp post and tucked her hands in the pockets.

A black Camaro zoomed down the dark alley and made some cats hiss and screech as some of the garbage can was tumbled down by the ruckus. She closed my eyes, not wanting to be blinded by the steaming glares of the headlights before the purring engine was shut off, but he kept the headlights on. She made no choice but to slip back the shades. A tall, enigmatic and furtive figure seeped through the glaring lights and he stopped within a good teen feet away from her.

"Black." She called and nodded.
"M'lady." He greeted with his rough voice that the pierced ears hadn't heard for a very long time; because he was unneeded at most time.

"What do you need me for?" The red coat lady grinned, "That's way I like you, so straightforward, no mind games."

"Before we start this," the woman paused as if to rethink again. "Do you mind if you give me a ride back after this?"

"Of course, Miss." She could hear the little smirk plastered across his face like she would imagine, a hoop pierced through his plush bottom lip.

"How are you doing, Black? Still on with the wolves?" She asked. "Of course," he repeated. "Got a whole bunch of them waiting at the back of my house."

The tension was held up high and proud in the air and the glares of the light didn't seemed to lessen as she noticed his arms were tucked away in front of his broad, muscular chest. "What do you want me here for, cara?"

Stalling, she licked her killer lips and stepped forward in a few strides until the puddle in front of her heels shone at the reflection of the headlights. "I need you to do me a job."

"Do not mess it up." She warned with a glare, although she saw nothing but a dark figure. "You have one chance to do it and I have every ounce if faith in you. I trust you in this like every other."

She took the package out of her coat and flung it to the man who caught it easily in the air, she heard his leather jacket's zipper clashed together in a shuffling sound. He opened it and sealed it back as quickly as he opened it before fishing out a picture from the huge package.

"What do you want me to do?" The hitman asked.

"Kill her."

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