Chp 20 Glory

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" Great!" I huffed sarcastically.

" What's wrong?" Edward asked, plopping down beside the couch with me.

" Now my brothers is here, I have to buy them Christmas gifts too!" I cried out with a groan.

" Yippe-kai-yay!" Someone hollered and I heard stomping down the stairs. " Shut up, Zach! I am not buying expensive gifts for you! " I growled.

" Yes, you are," he cooed and pinched my cheeks. " Ouchie," I moaned, rubbing the sore spot. " Woo! Christmas shopping!" Alice squealed and ran out from the drawing room. I face-palmed myself and groaned. Edward chuckled and rubbed my arm with his thumb comfortingly.

" Kids, shopping. Bring tons of cash!" I heard Carlisle shouted from the third stairs. I groaned out loud with a ' ARGH.' and got up from the sofa, couch, whatever.

" Lots and lots of cash, Bellie," My annoying brothers reminded me sweetly. I shook my head and stalked in my room.

I ripped my winter white coat out from the further place of my walk-in closet and a bright red sweater, a pair of denim skinny jeans, Tiffany blue converse and I am good to go. I smacked my lip-glossed lips and brushed my hair. Leaving them down to the middle of my waist, I grabbed my stuffed purse and headed out.

Opps, my hand phone.

I face-palmed myself again and went back to the small charge cubby and snatched my phone.

" Hey," Edward greeted me outside of my room and hugged me. " Hear a lot of grumbles in there, babe," he chuckled and I pulled back checkin him out. " Jersey? I don't know you play football," I laughed at his dark red and orange jersey hanging on his shoulder. " Star quarter back, " he grinned proudly and hung his arm around my shoulder.

The light blue sweater clung into his muscle-Opps, I mean fat perfectly.

" So, what are you going to buy for me?" he asked causally, after we ducked the screaming Paps outside the palace, into his favorite Volvo.

" Not tellin ya," I poked my tongue out childishly and he signed loudly. " Okay, I guess I won't tell you what I am buyin you." he teased. " Hey!" I punched his chest. " Ouch," he faked hurt and rubbed his left chest. I rolled my eyes and was about to say something but Carlisle gave us a thumbs up, we are ready to go.

" Why aren't we taking the limo?" I asked as he swayed the car into a curve. " Dunno. Esme texted me to take out cars. Maybe blend in," he guessed. I nodded and Okay and I tuned up the stereo.

" No,no,no. Hell no!" the boys objected. " Yes! You have muscles for the shopping bags!" Rosalie argued. " We trained these babies for sports! Not shopping bags!" Edward muttered." C'mon, babe. Just these once, pwlease?" I pouted, battling my eyelashes at the boys. " God, no, Bells, you are not using the pout!" Isaac growled at me.

" Damn, why did we teach you that?!" Cam moaned in frustration. " 'Cause you know one day I will use it on you," I teased. " C'mon, babe. Pwease," I battled my eyelashes at Edward who is face-palming himself.

" This once, Bella," He managed to growl out.

" Yippe!" I cheered and the rest of the boys groaned." You are the best!" I peaked him on the lips and my brothers moaned. " Get a room!"

" Shut the-"I looked around for any signs of Carlisle and Esme who just went for their sopping." Fuck up,"

" Okay, first stop...Forever 17!" We girls screamed. " Nu-uh. No way. Mark and Spencer first," The boys objected. Alice glared at them and the grimace. " Fine, let's go," Jasper scowled and headed to his wife.

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