Chp 14 Demon Red Lights

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I am standing beside my new best friend, Daniel.

Well, maybe he can stay until the end of the winter. He will melt. Don't be such a racist. Although he is a snowman, he's still my friend.

Alice and the rest of the gang left for shopping. I immediately refused and I quote: Oh! It's been decades since I shopped!

Me: That long? How many?

Alice: weeks! Oh my God! And I am still living! It's a miracle!

Cue roll eyes.

So Esme demanded me to do something and I decided to build a snowman!

Suddenly, Dan's carrot nose dropped down. Then his twig arms. I held my head up high and received small glares from the son.

I huffed and waved a goodbye to a melting Daniel and went back to the living room.

" Bella," Carlisle called from upstairs. " do something! Anything!" He shouted and I rolled my eyes.

I snatched a small notepad under the CD cupboard and begun thinking.

Maybe I should write a book!

Gasping happily, I lift up the blue ink and started sprawling my messy handwriting,

Here is how you make your brother cry. The ingredients you need here is cream (whip, if possible) a bell, some oil paints and you and his phones.

I groaned and tore out the paper. This is shit. I crumpled it and threw it across the room which one of the maids came and picked it up with a weird expression. Yeah, maybe I am mad.

" Wow, this is the worst food ever." Jasper mumbled and placed his fork away. We glared at him and Esme sniffed. " I want my baby back," I turned my glare to my lap and a small hand landed on my lap. I gave Alice a weak smile and she grinned back.

" When is he coming back?" Rosalie asked quietly, putting down her spoon down. " He-he will be gone for a while." Carlisle cleared his throat and looked sadly at me.


He will leave me?

" Bella! Bella calm down!" someone yelled at me. I let out a holding breath and it didn't stop. I kept gasping for air, I couldn't control it. I heard chairs scrapping the marble floor with mine. Then I found myself laying on Emmet's bulk arms.

" Bella, honey. Calm down," Esme took my head in her hands and I could see myself in her eyes. My eyes were wide opened, lips whiten.

Suddenly, I saw his green eyes replaced Esme's dark brown ones.

It's just Carlisle's.

" Bella, sweetheart. Deep breathes. Deep breathes," he breathed heavily with me.

My breathes steadied and I laid my head on Emmet's shoulder. I rested my eyelids and wished Edward is here.

" Kayla, can you do the dishes? The news is on," Esme smiled brightly at the maid and she nodded. Everyone came out from the dining chamber and walked to the living room.

" I hate news."Emmet muttered and Carlisle glared at him. He gave him an innocent look and turned away. I sighed at Em's childish behavior and turned my gaze back to the TV

Now is reporting some shit that a teenager rescued a man from being shot in Iraq. Then the next news was Iraq's bombing and bloods. Boring!

The last news caught me off guard. Carlisle turned the volume up and we stared at it .

" J1 Virgin Star plane was crushed down into the Pacific Sea with one hundred and eleven passengers. Only 20 to 30 passengers were found. All of them are bloodily hurt. Bodies are floating upwards in the sea with bloods, making it look like a blood sea-"

" Woah wait, is that Eddie's plane?" Emmet asked. " I thought he is taking his private plane!" I became frantic. " oh my God." Alice whispered beside me and Rosalie gasped.

Oh fuck.

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