Chp 26 Dying Swan

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Dedicated to @wildquaffle ! Cute banner! Thank you.



" I hereby announce Princess Isabella Arabella Marie Antoinette Swan is forbidden to leave Prince Edward's room for a week. King Carlisle's orders,"


I echoed my thought to Carlisle who I smiling at me. " You are celled!" Emmet guffawed loudly.

" Carlisle! You can't do this!"

" I just did, sweetheart," he patted my arm and stood up. " If you want to celebrate Christmas, you have to heal,"

I grimaced and slopped back to the covers. " Since when?"

" Now,"

" Great. What am I going to do?" I threw my hands up in the air and dropped them down.

" You could do that," Cameron said timidly. I absolutely knew what he is referring too.

" No! Are you insane? I haven't touched that thing for years!" Zachary eyed me and I sulked." Okay, months,"

" C'mon." Isaac urged.

" What are we talking about?" Emmet asked in confusion. " Music,"

" No we are not!" I yelled. " Okay, I am confuse now."

" I love to hear you play, Bells!" Cameron grinned. " This is gonna be amazing," Jasper whispered to Rosalie.

" Here," Zach took my violin out of the hooks on the walls and handed to me. " I lost my bow," I lied. " Funny. I happen to bring mine," Cameron ran off.

I groaned and laid my violin on my laps. I huffed at them and crammed my head for a song.

Canon is too boring. I helps me sleep.

" I could try Beethoven's Secret if only Isaac helps me," I said.

He shrugged off to and grabbed my cello from the wall. " Bring it,"

He started playing by sitting and I lifted my violin to my neck, under my chin.

" Oh my gosh! I knew this song!" Rosalie ran off to god's-know-where and then came back when I started playing on the eighth bar. She came back with her violin and played with me.

" I would get my violin too but that seems too dramatic," I heard Jasper muttered.

" That's amazing, children! Maybe we could try with Edward on the piano!" Esme suggested. " If only Carlisle let me out," I muttered.

" I have a keyboard," Edward smiled and scrambled down from the bed and carried a white keyboard beside Isaac. " Fine, I am getting my Vio," Jasper mumbled and went out.

" I feel so helpless," Alice pouted. " We need one more Cello. You up to it, Cam?" I asked. Alice is way too small for a Cello.

He nodded and trailed behind Jazz.


" Finally, we have our time," Edward whispered in my ear as I snuggled in his chest comfortably. I grinned and nodded.

Then, Carlisle barged in. " Edward Cullen, I assume this is not your writing," He threw a stack of papers to the comforters. I picked it up and scanned the clip of papers and burst out laughing.

" When is your words so neat?" I laughed and he scowled. " From now on, Alice and you will have a different topic. 7 Wonders of the World. 5,000 words," With that, he went away.

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