A Werewolf and China Sorrows

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Hey guys so this is my first ever fan fiction on Skulduggery Pleasant. Actually it's my first one ever! I hope you'll enjoy it and I'll try to update as soon as possible. Please comment and vote! Thanks!

Bella xx

Le Fabulous Disclaimer:

I do not take ownership of the Skulduggery Pleasant series as I am not the Golden God Derek Landy. All characters (with an exception of a few who are mine) belong to Derek, though the plot is mine. If anyone copies my plot I will demand that section be taken down immediately. Inspiration is one thing, copying is another...

Sorry for the long disclaimer. (Sighs)

On with the story!

Valkyrie faced the monster head on. Saliva dripped from its open mouth, its teeth were bared and pointed. It's spear like ears sat on the top of its head, and those claws. Those claws that it possessed, were as sharp as Tanith Low's sword, and could easily slice Valkyrie into ribbons. The creature's eyes bulged from its head, and it was at least twice Valkyrie's size. It snarled and snapped as she looked it up and down, searching for weak points. This creature didn't seem to have any. Valkyrie suddenly lost all her confidence. She couldn't face this thing alone. Where the hell was Skulduggery? The last time she's seen him was when he'd been fighting a vampire. Then this thing, obviously a werewolf of some sort, had chased her.

Now she was trapped, concrete walls and a hard wooden floor were going to be the death of her. She wished just once that their exploits would go without a hitch, but they weren't that lucky.

A crash from below them distracted the werewolf for a moment, and Valkyrie seized her chance. She lunged for the creature, and wrapped her hands around its neck in a sleeper hold. The werewolf jerked, and Valkyrie lost her grip and was thrown across the floor. Thank god for protective clothing, and Valkyrie secretly expressed her gratitude to Ghastly (for about the one hundredth time in her life) for keeping her safe. She scrambled to her feet as the creature ran at her, and from behind it she could see a faint outline of a person standing in the shadows. She tried to dodge the werewolf, but it grabbed her arm and she spun. The werewolf yanked her back, and Valkyrie screamed as her arm snapped. Tears flooding her vision, the werewolf grabbed her by the hair, and launched her into one of the thick concrete walls. Valkyrie slumped to the hard wooden floor. Her vision was blurry, and she turned her head towards the werewolf. She moaned, and got shakily to her feet. She clicked her fingers and a spark ignited in her hand. She threw fireballs, each one hitting the werewolf square in the chest, but it didn't falter. This thing was impossible to kill. She couldn't even hurt it.

She waved her hand and the werewolf shot backwards and crashed into the wall. The concrete cracked, but the werewolf just got straight back up again. It charged at her and she hurled more fireballs. It crashed into her and she fell to the floor, the werewolf on top of her. She cried out as its claws raked down her neck, drawing blood. Valkyrie struggled and the werewolf grabbed her around the neck, and hauled her up, choking her.

Valkyrie dangled and tried uselessly to pry the claws from around her bloody neck. Just as her vision was about to cloud over, the werewolf dropped her, and she hit the ground, hard. Her head smacked against the floor and white light flashed before her eyes. She got to her feet slowly, and the werewolf kicked her knee. Valkyrie cried out as she crumpled to the floor. The werewolf grabbed her head, and started smashing it down on the floor numerous times, making her brain rattle inside her skull. The front of her was soaked in blood and her head ached. When the werewolf got bored of smashing her head down, he grabbed her by the throat again, and launched her into the wall. She smacked against it and crumpled to the floor, clinging onto consciousness by miracle. She looked up as the werewolf turned from her.

Standing in the doorway, was skeleton detective, Skulduggery Pleasant. The werewolf snarled and Valkyrie watched from the floor as the werewolf sprang towards him. He hurled fireballs, and Valkyrie wanted to call out and tell him that it was useless, but she couldn't form the words.

She suddenly felt soft hands brush the hair from her face, and Fletcher Renn's familiar voice spoke to her. Valkyrie started to get herself back together, and her vision became clearer. She moaned and tried to sit up as Skulduggery darted around the werewolf, and came towards her and Fletcher. In an instant, they had teleported back to the Sanctuary. Valkyrie stood up as Fletcher got to his feet, but immediately her strength left her, and she sank into Skulduggery's arms.

"I'm fine," she said.

"You're not."

"I am."

"Your arm is broken and your head is bleeding."

"So what?"

"You were beaten up by a werewolf."

"Don't rub it in," she sighed.


Synecdoche attended to Valkyrie's injuries, and shook her head in disgust.

"What the hell were you doing fighting a bloody werewolf?"

"It's complicated, we were trying to find out about the missing mortals."
"You didn't answer my question about the werewolf."

"I said it was complicated."

"I've got time."

"We think that China was involved."

"That's quite an allegation."

"That's what I thought."

"So what about the werewolf?"

"You're starting to sound like Tanith."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Skulduggery had suspicions that Billy Ray Sanguine had been hiding out in the area because of disruptions at the old church."


"It turns out that Sanguine was there, then he disappeared and a vampire turned up."

"And.... The werewolf?"

"It came in afterwards, and I don't know how seeing as werewolves don't exist here in Ireland."

"Interesting, you have quite a mystery on your hands."

"I'm confident we'll work it out."

"Such an optimist."

"Skulduggery says I'm a pessimist."

"Oh Valkyrie, don't listen to him."

"I never do."

Synecdote laughed.
"And you've got the time travellers to stop too, my gosh, do you ever sleep?"

"Usually in the Bentley."

"Oh god..."

"It's not that bad."

"If you say so."

"When can I leave?"

"In five minutes."

Valkyrie nodded.


Ghastly and Anton Shudder met Skulduggery and Valkyrie just as they were about to leave the Medical Wing.

"Skulduggery, Valkyrie," Ghastly greeted them. They both nodded. "Miss Sorrows had requested your presence," he said.

"When did you get so official?" Valkyrie teased. Ghastly rolled his eyes, obviously seeing the humour behind her words.

"Why?" Skulduggery asked.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Shudder said.

Valkyrie and Skulduggery turned to see China walking up to them, her blue eyes sparkling. Valkyrie tried hard to contain herself.

"Skulduggery, I need to speak with you," she said.

"About what?" Valkyrie asked. China turned to her.

"Official detective business Miss Cain. You're welcome to join us." Valkyrie nodded, and followed China down the hall.

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