Just Friends

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Asaria shuffled next to Dexter under the covers. She had spent most of the night crying. She hoped that Skulduggery and Valkyrie were alright at his house. More or less, she hoped they got together. Saracen had went into all their rooms, Skulduggery and Valkyrie's included, and retrieved anything that was left behind. He'd found Valkyrie's black clothing, and was dropping it off in the morning. Asaria snuggled closer to Dexter, and eventually drifted off to sleep.


"Go away!" Valkyrie screamed, as Herman Grave stepped closer towards her. She tried to keep Skulduggery behind her as Grave smiled.

"You've been a very naughty girl haven't you Valkyrie?" He smirked.

"Leave us alone!"

"What were you doing kissing that boy? Doesn't it feel wrong, to kiss Skulduggery as a boy when you love him as a skeleton in the future?"

Valkyrie stiffened. No. He'd given it away! He'd told Skulduggery that he was destined to be a skeleton in the future...

"What?" Skulduggery asked, and Valkyrie's eyes filled with tears.

"It's nothing," she said.

"Nothing! What was that about me being a skeleton?"

Valkyrie ignored him and turned to Grave.
"How could you do this?" She asked.

"Valkyrie you stupid girl, this was my plan all along."

Valkyrie eyes widened and she woke up, gasping. She quickly looked up. Skulduggery slept on his bed, and the atmosphere had a calming vibe to it.

Just a dream, she told herself. It was only a dream.

The sun was just rising over the mountains, and Valkyrie watched it absently. She was thinking. Grave's plan? To tell Skulduggery everything? Why? It wasn't real, just a dream, he wouldn't really do something like that, she thought.

Now she did feel strange. Why had she been kissing him? What was wrong with her? Was she going mad?! How could she have kissed him when she hardly knew him in this world? Now, Valkyrie felt dirty. She stood up, and left the room, wandering through the house until she found the kitchen. Ada was busy cooking something on an old fire stove, and she looked up when Valkyrie entered.

"Ah, Miss Cain," she said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you, very well," she lied.

"Well sit down and we'll wait for the men to come down. Valkyrie took a seat at the old wooden table and glanced around.

"Mrs Berry?" She started.

"Call me Ada."

"Ada. I have to ask you something."

"Anything Valkyrie."

"What's your son's given name?"

Ada smiled.
"He is very unusual when it comes to giving out his real name. He gets, apprehensive."


"I don't know. He's just... Him, I guess."

"So, will you tell me?"

"I'm afraid I cannot child. That is his decision whether he will tell you or not."


There was a sudden knock on the door.
"Would you please get that for me Valkyrie? I don't want to leave the crumpets," Ada asked.

"Of course," Valkyrie replied, getting up from her chair and walking towards the door. She opened it to see Dexter Vex standing there with Asaria.

"Hey," Valkyrie greeted.

"Hi Val, we just wanted to drop these off," Dexter said, showing her the pile of black clothes. Valkyrie's heart did a flip. She's forgotten about her protective clothing.

"Thank you so much," she smiled gratefully, taking the cloths from Dexter. "How are you guys over at Moreton?" Valkyrie asked.

"It's okay, not as good as Reinstone, but it'll have to do for now," Dexter answered.

"Do you think they'll have it fixed for the dance?"

"I hope so. We'd better get going. They don't even know we left," Dexter said.

"Oh, okay. Well I'll see you soon then," Valkyrie smiled.

"Bye Val."

She closed the door and headed back into the kitchen. Skulduggery and Henry were sitting at the table now.

"Who was that honey?" Ada asked.

"Dexter and Asaria. They dropped off my clothes," she answered. "Do you mind if I take them to Skulduggery's room?"

"Not at all."

"Thank you." Valkyrie hurried down the corridor.


"Well Skulduggery. She's... Different." Henry said.

"How do you mean?"

"She's not like the other girls I've seen. She seems more, determined, single-minded."

"She beat me."


"She beat me in a fight. I broke her nose though."

"Did you do that swinging thing with your arm again?"




"She's a girl!"

"That doesn't change anything. She challenged me, but I didn't charge first."

"Do you... Like her?"

"Of course I do."

"No, would you like her as a wife?"

Skulduggery hesitated and his dad looked at him.

"I don't think that's what we want to happen," he finally answered.

"Why not?"

"Because she's just a friend."

"Just a friend?" A voice from the doorway said. Skulduggery turned to see Valkyrie standing in the door frame, her eyes watering.

"Oh Valkyrie, that's not what I meant," he started.

"No I know exactly what you meant!" She half yelled, spinning on her heels and running back towards their room. Skulduggery whirled towards his dad.

"See what you've done now?" He snapped, and hurried after her.

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