The Cafeteria and the Shunter

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Skulduggery led her to a large table in the centre of the cafeteria. All the girls in the cafeteria stared. Obviously Skulduggery was one who attracted the ladies. One girl even glared at Valkyrie. She tried not to let it bother her and looked towards the table. A whole group of students already sat there.

Valkyrie recognised the Dead Men. Saracen Rue, Dexter Vex, Ghastly Bespoke, Anton Shudder and Erskine Ravel. There were also girls sitting at the table whom she didn't know. A lean girl with fair skin and honey blonde hair sat with one leg draped neatly over Dexter Vex's knee. Another girl had dark hair and brilliant blue eyes. Her skin was pale and shiny. She sat next to Shudder, holding hands with him. The other girl was shorter than the others. She had deep chestnut curls with hazel coloured eyes and tanner skin than the others. She was slim and had her head rested on Saracen Rue's shoulder, laughing at whatever joke had been made.

Another, Valkyrie would have recognised anywhere. China Sorrows sat next to Erskine Ravel, her eyes locked on Skulduggery. Valkyrie always knew that China had had a crush on her partner, and it looked like almost every other girl in the school did too. Skulduggery led Valkyrie towards the table. Everyone looked up.

"Hey Skul! We saved you a seat," the girl with blonde hair said, grinning.

"Who is this fine creature you have brought along?" Ghastly asked, standing up from his seat.

"Ghastly..." Erskine started.

"This is my new roommate. Valkyrie Cain," Skulduggery said, introducing her. Valkyrie blushed and tried hard not to say, 'I know,' when the Dead Men introduced themselves.

"I'm Asaria Wreck, nice to meet you Valkyrie," the girl with blonde hair said, smiling politely.

"I'm Louisa Metor," the dark haired girl with the pretty blue eyes said.

The girl with the chestnut curls was quieter, more shy. "Ambry Nokis," she said.

"China Sorrows," China mumbled. Valkyrie nodded, and sat down next to Asaria and Skulduggery.

"So Valkyrie, what brings you here to Reinstone?" Louisa asked. Valkyrie stammered, trying to figure out what to say.

"I wanted a change of scenery, to um... widen my horizons." They all stared at her, and then gave Skulduggery a sheepish look. He sighed, and she probably realised that she sounded like she was talking about Skulduggery.

"I want to expand my magic." That ought to do it. Sure enough, they looked impressed.

"What type of sorcerer are you?" Asaria asked.

"Elemental," she answered.

"So am I!" Asaria exclaimed. "We can train together, with Skul and Ghastly!" Dexter shifted uncomfortably.

"You're starting to hurt me babe," he whinged.

"Oh sorry hun," Asaria said, rolling her leg off Vex. She managed to hurt him in the process. He cringed and she smirked. Valkyrie liked this girl already...

"So Asaria..." Valkyrie began.

"Call me Sari," Asaria said.

"Sari, how long have you been studying magic?"

"Almost my entire life. My parents were both well practised Elementals, and they both wanted me to do well, so they sent me here. It's really good, and it's so much fun."

"Fun beating people up," Ghastly said, grinning at Valkyrie. She smiled back and caught Skulduggery glaring at his friend. She pursed her lips and looked over at China, who was staring an ice cold stare that had Valkyrie absently looking away. She'd only just got here, and already she had an enemy.

"Oh for fuck's sake Ghastly! We all know that you could never beat Skulduggery, no one could," Asaria said, and Valkyrie was surprised that she had cussed. She looked quickly at the boy version of Skulduggery as he smirked. To Valkyrie, this was a challenge.

"You guys have magical combat next?" Dexter asked.

"Nope I've got a break, and I think Valkyrie has too," Skulduggery answered. Valkyrie nodded.

"Okay, see you at dinner then," Louisa said as she stood up with Anton Shudder, and the two of them walked away.

"They didn't even eat," Asaria said.

China scoffed. "We all know where they are going."

Skulduggery rolled his eyes.
"Real mature China, real mature." Then he turned to Valkyrie. "So, what do you want to eat?"


Valkyrie and Skulduggery wandered through the school, chatting about each other, and somehow Valkyrie could see the interest in Skulduggery's eyes. As she walked beside him, other girls who had their breaks were glaring at her, one girl even tried to hit her, and Valkyrie sent a wall of air smashing into her. Skulduggery smirked. She stared in wonderment as he talked to a teacher, studied him when he walked. He wasn't the overly egotistical, sarcastic skeleton that she knew and loved, but he still liked to joke around a lot. And when she said a lot, she meant, a lot.

He excused himself when a teacher asked him to her office, and Valkyrie waited in the corridor, studying the paintings on the walls. She ran her fingers lightly over a watercolour painting, as a voice from behind her made her jump.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Valkyrie spun as Herman Grave strode towards her.

"Herman Grave. What, what are you doing here?"

"I just came to see how you were doing, settling into this new century. You should probably get yourself a corset though, you look like a peasant," Herman grinned.

"I don't care what I look like. Why did you send me here? And what did you do with Skulduggery? If you've hurt him I swear to Jesus..."

"Your skeleton friend is fine. I left him alone. You really think I'd harm him? After all, I got what I wanted."

"And what would that be?"

"You. I've sent you back in time."

"Why are you shunting the mortals?"

"To lure you into a trap of course. It wouldn't have worked otherwise. I'm surprised you hadn't worked it out before."

"Why do you want me here?"

"To do me an immense favour."

"Why would I do anything for you?"

"Because I'm the only one who can send you back home. It's quite simple really, you do something for me, and I reward you. Sounds fair enough."

"As long as I know what I'm doing."

"You'll find that out soon enough. I see you've met our boy Skulduggery."

"If you even think about hurting him..."

"Don't worry Valkyrie, I'm not going to harm him. He plays a big part in my plan."

Before Valkyrie could say anything else, Herman Grave disappeared.

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