Valduggery Fluff

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More Valduggery. My apologies to those who don't like this pairing, but I love it so here it is...

The Elemental teachers had managed to put out the fire, and the school was a charred mess. Rebuilding would commence this afternoon, and the students would have to stay at the school in Haggard, Moreton College for Young Mages, except for Skulduggery and Valkyrie, who were going back to Skulduggery's house.

Asaria stared at the hole in the wall where Skulduggery and Valkyrie's room had exploded into the fireball. There was a minimal amount of stuff still intact, and they would have to get it before they left for Skulduggery's house. Hopefully they could repair the school before the dance in a week.

Asaria waited outside the Infirmary with Dexter, Saracen, Ghastly, Erskine, Louisa, China, Ambry and Anton for Valkyrie and Skulduggery. Her friends came walking out, Valkyrie in the lead, and Skulduggery, Mr Finlay and Mrs Mahy following. Valkyrie gasped when she saw the charred, burnt mess of the school. Skulduggery wrapped his hands around her waist, and she let her head fall back into his chest, breathing in his warmth. He scooped her up bridal style, and carried her to one of the many carriages.

"Everyone's looking at us," she smiled.

"Yes, everyone is," he answered.


"Because you are so beautiful."

Valkyrie looked up into his emerald eyes, and he looked into her brown ones.

"Are you flirting with me?" She asked.


She smirked. She did like him, she really did.
"Good, don't stop." She said as she leaned in close and touched her lips to his. She felt him stiffen, then relax into the kiss. Even though it only lasted three seconds, Valkyrie was certain that it had been longer than that, as she broke away, sucking in oxygen, Skulduggery doing the same.

"Please, never stop," she said. Skulduggery ran his fingers through her dark hair, and stepped into the carriage, still holding her.

"I feel like we're at a wedding," she admitted.

"That can be arranged," he replied. By the sound of his tone, Valkyrie could tell that he was serious. He smiled as he placed her down on the seat, and sat beside her. Valkyrie's head found his shoulder, and he leaned towards her, his head touching hers. He felt her smile.

"I could get used to this," she said.

Skulduggery put an arm around her shoulders, and she put an arm around his waist. As the carriage started moving, they stayed like that, and Skulduggery could feel Valkyrie's deep, even breaths, and knew that she was asleep.

They arrived at Skulduggery's house, and Skulduggery gently carried the sleeping Valkyrie to the front door. He knocked loudly three times, and Valkyrie stirred.

"Valkyrie, we're here," he said. Valkyrie moaned and opened her eyes.

"Okay," she murmured.

Skulduggery smiled, and set her down onto her feet. The door opened, and a handsome man with the same chocolate coloured hair as Skulduggery stood there. He had bright blue eyes, that looked in surprise at the two teenagers standing at his front door.

"Hi father," Skulduggery said, and the man smiled, and stepped out, embracing his son in a hug.

"Skulduggery?" Came a woman's voice from behind the door. Skulduggery broke away from his dad, and looked at the beautiful woman who stood there, with her auburn curls and deep green eyes.

"You're back!" She said, almost running to embrace her son. Valkyrie just stood there as Skulduggery's dad looked her up and down.

"Ah, Skulduggery, who's your friend?" He asked. Skulduggery broke away from his mum.

"Mother, father, this is the magnificent Valkyrie Cain."

Valkyrie dropped a quick curtsy, and the two adults smiled.

"We'll Miss Cain, all are welcome in this house. My name is Henry Burke, and this is my wife, Ada Berry." The man said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Valkyrie said as politely as she could.

"We weren't expecting you back so soon," Ada said, running her fingers through her son's hair lovingly.

"We had a problem at the school," Skulduggery answered.

"What sort of problem?" Henry asked. Skulduggery turned to him.

"There was a fire," he explained. Ada gasped.
"Mother it's fine, no one was hurt."

"I'm just so glad that you two are alright. How's Ghastly?" Ada asked.

"He's great. Actually, he has the hots for Tanith, our Head Girl, and it's very amusing."

Tanith and Ghastly had always liked each other then, Valkyrie thought to herself.

Skulduggery beckoned for Valkyrie to step inside.

"Could you maybe set up the spare room for Valkyrie?" Skulduggery asked.

"Why can't she stay in your room?" Henry replied. Skulduggery stiffened, and Valkyrie cleared her throat.

"Um.... okay," Skulduggery agreed.

"We've missed you so much," Ada said, hugging him again.

"I've missed you guys too."

Valkyrie stood awkwardly in the room, not knowing what to do. Skulduggery must've noticed her discomfort.

"I'll show Valkyrie to our room then. Come on," he said, beckoning for Valkyrie to follow him. She dropped another curtsy.

"It was nice to meet you both," she said.

"And you," Henry replied. Valkyrie gave them a quick smile, before she hurried after Skulduggery. She heard Henry say, 'she's a keeper,' as she walked down the hall, and she blushed Beetroot red.

The room wasn't very big. Yellow curtains hung from the windows, and glass ornaments sat neatly on top of the wardrobes. The beds were comfortable, and the pillows soft. Skulduggery turned his attention to Valkyrie. She was so beautiful. He would make her his.

"It's snug," she said, almost seductively.

"Yeah, cozy," he answered with the same tone. He sat down next to her on one of the beds. She looked at him with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. She was like a drug to him, so addictive.

"So, are you going to tell me your given name now?" She asked.

"Not a chance."

"Please? I'll tell you mine."

"No Valkyrie."

She sighed. Those eyes showed intelligence, and she was determined to find out what it was. Skulduggery knew that she would get it out of him eventually. She leaned in and touched her lips to his. He returned the kiss, his arms encircling her waist, and her hands in his hair. Then there was a knock on the door. They quickly pulled away when Henry opened the door a fraction.

"Just wanted to see if you were settling in okay," he explained.

"Yeah, we're fine," Skulduggery answered, running her fingers through his hair.

"Well, whenever you guys want lights out, I'll get you another rug."

With that, he closed the door, and Valkyrie smiled.

"Now," she said. "Where were we?"

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