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I'm going to add in the events of what happened after Skulduggery's death in the 1600's, and also some of Valkyrie in her coma, so enjoy!

The 1600's:

The Dead Men sat at their table, wondering where the hell Skulduggery was. He couldn't have slept in, he never slept in. Ambry was worried. This wasn't like her brother to be late. Asaria was cool, acting normal, but Ambry knew that deep inside she was worrying too. The Dead Men tried to get on with it, until half an hour passed, and Skulduggery still hadn't turned up, and neither had Valkyrie. Ghastly's brow was furrowed.
"That's it!" He growled. "Something's not right here."
"I agree," Asaria said. "It's not like Skul to be late."
Ambry felt a bad feeling in her gut, and she didn't like that.
"Maybe we should go and check on him?" Louisa suggested. They nodded.
"I'll stay here," Erskine said. "You guys go."
"Me too," China mumbled.
"Okay," Asaria said, starting towards her friend's room. "Let's go!"

They all knocked loudly on the door, but got no answer.
"Skulduggery?" Asaria called. "Valkyrie?"
She quietly opened the door, and peeked in. No one was in there. She shut it.
"They're not inside," she whispered.
"Where could they be?" Ghastly asked. Ambry froze. It had come to her.
"Of course," she said, making them all turn to her.
"What?" Ghastly asked.
"They've gone to Randy Clarke," she replied.
"There's an old sorcerer who lives in the woods, Randy Clarke. Skulduggery knows where he is. My brother took Valkyrie to him."
"Do you know where it is?"
"Yes. I know exactly where. Let's go, and hurry!"

Ambry led them through the woods until they came to the middle, where no trees were to be seen and a single cottage sat in the middle of nowhere. She could sense her friends' surprise. She continued towards it and didn't bother knocking as the door opened anyway. She started jogging and went into a side room, only to stop and gasp in horror at what she saw. She sensed the others filing in behind her, and heard Asaria scream. Louisa wailed and the Dead Men's eyes were as wide as dinner plates, because lying on the floor, deathly still, was Skulduggery. Ambry started to hyperventilate. Her brother........... He was................
Ambry broke down, her hands over her eyes, sobbing and screaming. Dexter looked around, horrified. Randy Clarke was out cold, and his friend was dead. Valkyrie was nowhere to be seen. He felt Saracen come and put a hand on his shoulder, but he still looked straight ahead. They picked up the girls, Ghastly grabbing a crying Ambry from the floor, and walked back out the door.

The 21st Century:

Valkyrie still hadn't shown any sign of improvement. In fact, her condition was deteriorating. They still had no sign of Skulduggery, and Ghastly was frantically trying to find him. Tanith stayed by her sister's side, and talked to her. In the last few hours she had begun to notice something. Every time she said Skulduggery's name, Valkyrie's fingers moved. It gave Tanith hope. Hope that her sister would pull through.
"Come on Val. You have to get through this. You're strong. Valkyrie Cain you are the strongest girl I have ever met, and you're going to pull through. Hold on, pain ends. We'll find Skulduggery, I promise."


I could hear Tanith talking to me. She said, Hold on, pain ends. And she promised to get Skulduggery back. Yeah right, good luck keeping that promise. He's gone, and he's never coming back.

General POV:

Just then, Valkyrie's brain activity became extremely high. Tanith raised her eyebrows.
"Doctor Synecdoche!" She yelled. The doctor came rushing in.
"Her brain activity is extremely high," Synecdoche said. "I think she may be waking up....." She trailed off as the monitor's beeping became less. Tanith's heart was pounding in her chest, when a single, long beep echoed through the room. Valkyrie Cain's heart had stopped.

Hehe I love cliffhangers! I hope you liked the 1600's POV, because it was hard to write.

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