The End of Argeddion

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Next chapter. Yay! Only a few more to go before this fanfic is finished!

skullduggeryvalkyrie this chapter is for you!

Argeddion ducked under the shadows and Darquesse swooped into the air, firing off more and more shadows towards him. He turned, and sent a wall of air slamming into her. Darquesse flew through the air and smashed into wall.
"Necromancy," he spat distastefully. "I can manipulate any type of magic I want, as long as I've experienced it. And let me tell you, I've experienced almost all of them."
Darquesse was crouched next to the wall, looking at him with murder in her eyes. She sent another wave of shadows towards him, knocking him off his feet. She could see Ghastly and Tanith staring at her in absolute shock, and Darquesse went after Argeddion. She stalked him like a leopard, her eyes burning with hatred, seething with anger. Argeddion ran up the wall and played with her, throwing fireballs and teleporting around the room. Darquesse stopped when he landed behind Skulduggery and sent of fist of shadows slamming into him. Darquesse growled. Valkyrie ran towards Argeddion.
"What the hell?!" She screamed. "What do you think you're doing?!"
Argeddion looked up.
"You're not Darquesse," he said.
"I was," Valkyrie answered. "Now I'm the magnificent Valkyrie Cain, partner and combat accessory of the great Skeleton Detective, Skulduggery Pleasant. And now Argeddion, you will feel my vengeance."
Valkyrie looked at Skulduggery, and he nodded. That was all the encourage she needed. Darquesse rose into the air, and shot like a bullet towards Argeddion, smashing into him and sending them both sprawling painfully to the ground. She started raining down punches on his annoying face. In between, she spoke.
"This...... Is what....... You get for........ Hurting....... My friend!"
She stopped and noted the blood that was pumping from Argeddion's nose. She rose into the air again, and stalked him like a cat. He got up and tried to run, but she sent a wave of shadows into him, knocking him to the ground again. He scrambled to his feet, looked at her, and sprinted for the door. She followed him, flying high above him. He started to panic, and that's where he went wrong. Darquesse soared above him, and sent a spear of shadows straight through his chest. He staggered, and she retracted them. Argeddion fell to the ground, dead. She breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well, I'm glad that's over," Valkyrie said, smoothing back her hair. Skulduggery walked towards her, and embraced her in one of his special hugs that were reserved only for special occasions. Valkyrie knew that this occasion definitely made the cut for being special. Then she realised something. The White Cleaver suddenly dropped Tanith, who fell to the floor gasping for breath. Ghastly still had a hold of Fletcher, who screamed in anguish.
"You stupid girl!" Fletcher squealed at Valkyrie.
"Stupid skeleton! I wish you'd stayed dead!"
"I already am dead," Skulduggery replied. Fletcher didn't know what to say to that.
"You ruined my plans! You ruined Grave's plans! You idiots! You fools! I will kill you! I will....."
Ghastly twisted Fletcher's head, breaking his neck. He let the teleporter fall to the floor, dead.
"Thank you," Valkyrie sighed, relieved that it was all over. It was finally over! She couldn't believe it!
"You have some explaining to do Valkyrie," Ghastly said.

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