The Walk and a Challenge

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Valkyrie felt Skulduggery brush against her arm as they walked in the garden. The sun has just set, and twilight was upon them. The dam had been a blast, and Valkyrie was now looking forward to the rest of the night. Skulduggery bent down and picked a beautiful red rose from its stem. He handed it to her, and she took it, smelled it.

"Mmm," she breathed. Skulduggery smiled.

Pretty romantic gesture wasn't it?

Shut up, you don't know anything!

I know that he likes you. A rose, it's pretty obvious.

It was just a polite thing to do for a lady.

You're no lady. You're a freaking sorcerer who's a skeleton's partner who likes to kick arse and gets into a lot of trouble. You're Valkyrie Cain, and Valkyrie Cain is no lady.

That's a matter of opinion.

Well it's definitely my opinion.

That's fine with me. Think anything you want, but I'm secure.

Sure you are.

Just please go away. I don't need this tonight. This is supposed to be my night with Skulduggery, and my night only.

You realise how wrong that sounded?

I don't care. You know what I meant. Now go away.

"Thank you," Valkyrie said as Skulduggery took her arm.

"You're welcome Miss Cain. Now, how about we continue this conversation at the fountain?"

"Well I'd be delighted," she mocked in a posh voice. Skulduggery chuckled, and they walked arm in arm towards the water fountain.


Valkyrie admired the colours of the water fountain, and Skulduggery smiled at her.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"It sure is," she answered. Then she turned and looked directly into his emerald green eyes.

"So Mr Pleasant, Ghastly and Asaria say you're the best fighter in the school."

"You are correct Miss Cain. No one has ever been able to beat me before."

"You know, while others see that as defeat, I see that as a challenge."

"I thought you might."

She smiled.
"What do you say, we fight it out, here and now."

"Well Madame Cain, I guess we should."

Valkyrie smirked. This was going to be fun. She knew Skulduggery's fighting technique like the back of her hand, and she was going to take him down.

Valkyrie took a stance, while Skulduggery circled her. She waited for him to make the first move, as he'd always taught her. But that was his tactic, surely he wouldn't attack first?

Sure enough, he still circled her, not giving any sign that he was going to pull a move. Valkyrie became bored, and charged. He flung his arm into her face with such force that it sent her tumbling backwards. She felt blood trickling down her face. Broken nose. Great. She charged again, and sent a fist right into his nose. He staggered.

Let's see how he likes it, she thought.

He smiled a toothish grin, and dived, grabbing for her legs. She kicked him in the head and he rolled, coming up in front of her. She hurled punches and kicks into his side. She was having fun, hitting him in the face, until she felt the breath leave her. He'd punched her in the side. She stumbled, moving away from him. Dammit! She wasn't wearing her protective clothing, just this stupid corset! She tried to regain her breath as he charged again, sending a kick to her hip that sent her sprawling across the ground.

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