A Voice in her Head

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Hey guys!
I will be adding bits of info from the 21st Century from now on, just to let you know how the skeleton Skulduggery and his friends are feeling, and the tension. Some chapters will have this, some won't, but don't worry, there will be one in a couple of chapters. Sorry for any confusion caused xx

~ Bella

The 21st Century:

Ghastly shuffled uncomfortably as he heard Solomon Wreath mention Valkyrie. He felt Skulduggery stiffen, and he waited for the moment when the detective would lose it. Sure enough, he didn't have to wait long.

Before Ghastly could even blink, Skulduggery had Wreath up against the wall, gun pressed to his head.

"All this Necromancy atmosphere getting to you, is it Pleasant?" Wreath teased.

"Brave words for a guy with a gun pointed at his head," Skulduggery retorted. Wreath laughed.

"What's wrong with you? It's like you've gone round the bend or something."

"You must have a death wish, Wreath."

Solomon laughed again.
"Is it your dearest Valkyrie? Is that what this is? Because I can assure you, I no longer care for that girl at all after she refused to be our Death Bringer."

"You have no heart, Wreath."

"And neither have you. You're merely an experiment."

"You can't use that against me anymore."

"Are you cranky because your sweet, beloved Valkyrie Cain isn't here to solve crimes with you? From what I hear, she's dead Skulduggery. Dead as a doorknob."

"Are you referring to my partner as a doorknob?"

"On the contrary. I'm referring to her as unworthy, stupid and downright annoying."

Ghastly stiffened. No one ever said anything bad about Valkyrie and got away with it. Skulduggery smashed Wreath's head into the wall, and the Cleric crumpled to the floor.

The 1600's:

Valkyrie stood next to Asaria and Louisa as Mr Finlay went over the rules of the day's lesson. Valkyrie was being partnered with Asaria, to test her abilities.

She watched Skulduggery and Dexter, who got paired together, fight it out. Dexter was fast, but Skulduggery was faster. She watched as he ducked and pushed the air and dodged. He was quick on his feet, and so nimble and sure-footed, and didn't show any signs of surrender as he rained down punches. Dexter held up his hand.

"Okay! Okay! Enough already!" Skulduggery stood up, and Dexter got to his feet.

"Very good work guys. Well done." Mr Finlay then waved his hand at Valkyrie.

"Let's go Miss Cain." Valkyrie followed Asaria out into the centre of the gym. She glimpsed Skulduggery watching her intently as she readied herself.

"Ok girls, remember, concede if you wish. Try not to kill each other." Mr Finlay said. "And.... fight!"

Asaria charged straight at Valkyrie, and she dodged her swiftly, but Asaria was agile, and changed her direction so quickly that Valkyrie didn't see it coming. She smashed into Valkyrie, and sent her sprawling to the floor. Dexter whispered something to Skulduggery, and Valkyrie saw him nod.

Embarrassed, she got to her feet and sent a wall of air crashing into Asaria. She tumbled backwards and smashed into the wall. Asaria quickly got to her feet, and Valkyrie hurled fireballs, each one smacking Asaria in the chest. She glimpsed Dexter clenching his fists together. She jumped on top of Asaria, and started raining down punches, just like the skeleton Skulduggery had taught her.

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