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I'd just like to thank everyone who has read and supported this fanfic. You are all amazing. This is the last chapter of the story, (sobs).

Enjoy my little munchkins!!!!!

"Um, I'm Darquesse," Valkyrie confessed.
"What?!" Ghastly asked, shock evident in his voice.
"I'm Darquesse. But please don't tell anyone else! I don't want to kill the world, I wan to protect it. Please, keep my secret!" She begged. Ghastly turned to Skulduggery.
"And you knew about this?"
"Yes," Skulduggery answered.
"And you didn't tell us!"
"It was Valkyrie's secret, one I was forbidden to tell."
"Forbidden to tell! Skulduggery Darquesse kills the world! You could have at least told us!"
"I'm sorry, but it wasn't my secret to tell you."
"She could have killed us all!"
"But she didn't. She saved us all. Because that's the sort of girl that Valkyrie is. She doesn't kill the world, she saves it. Darquesse didn't want to destroy the world this time, she wanted to help us, and she did just that."
Ghastly sighed, and Tanith looked shocked beyond description. Of course she was shocked, her sister was the most powerful sorcerer in the world, and had the power to destroy everything and everyone. Who wouldn't be shocked?
"I guess I can go on account that she saved us. It's a shame about Fletcher though. I wonder what drove him mad?" Ghastly asked.
"Who knows what went through that boy's head?" Skulduggery answered.
"Please keep my secret!" Valkyrie begged. Ghastly kneeled in front of her, and took her hands in his.
"I would never tell your secret to anyone Valkyrie. You're like a daughter to me, and I'll do anything to make sure that you are protected," he whispered. Valkyrie nodded. He was such a good friend.
"Thank you," she replied. Ghastly nodded, and stood up. Tanith walked over, and didn't say anything. All she did, was hug Valkyrie tightly to her chest.

Valkyrie lay in bed that night unable to sleep. She was thinking. It was over. Her troubles were over. Grave was dead, Fletcher was dead. Argeddion was dead. She smiled to herself. Skulduggery was fine, and she was too. She didn't want to think about her time in the 1600's anymore. It brought back too many bad memories, but also some good ones that she could keep forever. Skulduggery would never leave her, she knew that now. She would always know that. Even if Asaria had died 400 years ago, Skulduggery would always love Valkyrie, and just Valkyrie. She was suddenly woken from her thoughts by a tapping on her window, and smiled. She got out of bed, wrapping the covers around herself, and opened the window. She climbed back into bed and snaked under the covers.
"Okay," she whispered. "You can come in now."
Skulduggery slipped inside the room, and tilted his head to the side.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Fine. You?"
"I'm fine," he answered, coming to sit on the edge of her bed.
"Here," she said, scooting over. "Lie down with me."
He tilted his head, and obliged. His lied down on top of the covers, facing her. She snuggled in close to him.
"You did a good job today," he told her. She smiled.
"I know. I avenged you."
"Yes you did. And very well I might add."
"Yeah well, I couldn't bear the thought of him hurting you. You've been through enough."
He looked at her.
"You know I'll never leave you Valkyrie. Not ever."
"And I'll never leave you either," she said.
"You save my life, I save yours, that's how we work," he whispered.
"Until the end," she sighed.
"Until the end."

And I'm done!!!!!!!! Massive shoutouts to skullduggeryvalkyrie such-an-english-girl alexxf105 shxnnxn212 chloedra kerbykelly and anyone else who I missed that has been reading, voting and commenting on this fanfic. You mean the world to me and I'm glad that I can go and tick that little green box next to 'Completed.'

If you guys want more, look out for my next Skulduggery Pleasant fanfictions:
A Shadow Returns
Young Sorceress

Most of those stories are completed so please check them out and maybe leave me some votes and comments if you like them. Remember I love feedback!

Again, thank you to all who have been reading and supporting me! Thanks guys! Stay cool.

Bella out!

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