Cliffs and a Diner

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Valkyrie sat in the diner and waited for her food. Skulduggery sat with his facade' up, looking at her in an annoyed fashion. She blinked a couple of times and he still didn't move. Valkyrie sighed. Still no movement. Then she banged her hands down on the table softly.

"What?!" She whisper-yelled.

"It's taking forever," he said.

"Only because you haven't needed to eat for four hundred years, you think it's taking a long time."

"I didn't know that it took them so long to put together a burger and some chips."

"Get over it."

He cocked his head at her.
"You're grouchy."

"And why do you think I am? Work it out, you're the detective."

"It's because you think I called you fat isn't it?"

"Oh look at that, he knows something!" Valkyrie said sarcastically.

"You're the one who took it the wrong way."

"And you're the one who said it!"

"I never said anything. I just said that burgers are fattening, not you."

"You still said it like I was."

"Will you stop sulking?"

"Why would I listen to you?"

Skulduggery sighed.
"You never listen to me, why should I be surprised?"

"You never listen to me!"

"That's because most of the time you are wrong Valkyrie."

Valkyrie glared and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I am not!"

"And here we go again..."

"Let's get one thing straight here Skulduggery."

"What? Valkyrie."

"If you don't apologise I'm going to stand on your hat."

"You stand on my hat and I'll throw you off a cliff."

Valkyrie sighed, completely and utterly annoyed.


The waitress finally came over to the table with Valkyrie's food; a chicken burger with fries. Skulduggery looked smugly at her with his facade'.

"Oh shut up," Valkyrie snapped, and Skulduggery put his hands up in mock surrender. Valkyrie picked up her burger and started eating, feeling very self conscious.

They were interrupted when a familiar face walked into the diner. Tanith Low smiled when she saw them, and Valkyrie motioned for her to join them. Tanith waltzed over and Valkyrie pulled out a chair. Tanith sat.

"Hungry were you Val?" She asked.

"Don't you start," Valkyrie grumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"I already copped that from Skulduggery."

"Oh," Tanith nodded. "I see."

"So what brings you here Tanith?" Skulduggery asked, and Valkyrie glared at him for changing the subject.

"Nothing really but I was actually looking for Ghastly. Madame Mist said he was with you two."

"I don't trust her," Valkyrie said as she swallowed.

"I don't think anyone does," Tanith said.

"Why were you looking for Ghastly?" Skulduggery asked.

"Secret business actually. I can't tell you."

"Really?" Valkyrie said with her mouth full. "Why?"

"Because it's a secret," Tanith whispered.

"I don't like secrets! People have too many of them!" She whinged.

"Too bad," Skulduggery said. Valkyrie glared.

"Don't talk to me."

Tanith looked from Valkyrie to Skulduggery.
"Seriously what happened?" She asked.

"You don't want to know," Skulduggery told her.

"You're probably right."

"This burger is annoying the crap out of me!" Valkyrie whinged as the contents of the chicken burger kept slipping out of the bun.

"You're doing fine," Skulduggery said. Valkyrie glared again. Tanith turned as laughter echoed through the diner, and turned back to see that Valkyrie had managed to stuff the entire burger into her mouth. Tanith raised her eyebrows, and Valkyrie's eyes widened.

"Sorry," she mumbled with her mouth full. Skulduggery rolled the eyes of his facade'.

Tanith left shortly after that; and Skulduggery was still staring at Valkyrie. He loved annoying her. The way she reacted amused him.

"Are we going to Gordon's soon or what?" She snapped.

"You're not still mad are you?"

"No, I'm not mad. I'm just really fucking annoyed with you and I feel like there's steam coming out of my ears and I want to scream in your face. But no Skulduggery I'm not mad."

"No need to be sarcastic."

"Good to know."

Before Skulduggery could retort, Valkyrie had grabbed his hat from the table.

"What are you doing with that?" He asked.

Valkyrie didn't answer, all she did was smile, and plant her butt on the seat; right on top of his hat.

"You did not!" Skulduggery said, getting to his feet.

"You bet I did! Now what are you gonna do, throw me off a cliff?"

Skulduggery cocked his head.

"Oh shit," Valkyrie muttered.

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