The Dance and Revenge

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The girl you all love to hate stars in this chapter. Get ready to whack your dancing shoes on! And get ready to groove!
There's a dance people XD

Valkyrie woke up early the next morning. She looked over at Skulduggery who was still sleeping, his chocolate hair a mess, and his arms above his head. He almost looked cute. Almost.

Valkyrie shook herself to clear the thoughts from her mind. She wouldn't think about him in that way. Even so, he was pretty good looking, and Valkyrie couldn't help but stare. His deep, even breathing relaxed her, and she sighed contently. He was like her own personal relaxation tool. A counterpart to her chemical balance. She always had thought her life needed more, she needed more excitement, adventure. And then Skulduggery turned up when she was twelve, and her life had changed immensely. Magic, sorcerers and crime had become a big part of her life, and had filled that empty gap she had felt for 6 years. And her relationship with him had grown, everyone could see it, even her stupid reflection. He'd sacrifice the world to save her, and she felt like she would be responsible for the world ending.

She was pulled out of her daydream when he started to stir. She clutched the covers to her chest as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. She smiled as he grinned at her, his hair a mess. She laughed and he looked weirdly at her.

"What?" He asked.

"Your hair!" She exclaimed. He smiled and ruffled it. It reminded her of Fletcher, and Valkyrie had to stop herself from crying.

"I know, it looks like a birds nest doesn't it?"

"Yes, yes it does!" She exclaimed.

"So, are you hungry?" He asked.


They joined the Dead Men and the girls at their table. Asaria had her head resting on Dexter's shoulder, Louisa was sitting with Anton, still holding hands with him. Ambry was looking at Saracen lovingly, and China sat where she always was, next to Erskine.

"Hey," Valkyrie greeted.

"Hello Val, did you sleep okay?" Ghastly asked, winking at Skulduggery, who threw himself across the table to punch Ghastly in the face. Ghastly smiled. Valkyrie blushed. Asaria grinned, and Dexter smiled, running his fingers through her beautiful blonde hair.

"So," Saracen started. "You guys are all coming to the dance right?" Everyone at the table nodded except for Valkyrie.

"What dance?" She asked. They all looked at her.

"The school's annual ball?" Anton asked.

Valkyrie shook her head and Saracen sighed.
"Every year the Academy holds a dance, and you can go with whoever you like. It's basically just some fun to get away from classes and refresh us."

"Oh, I see what's going on here..." China started. They all stared at her.

"What?" Dexter asked.

"You are all going to leave me out of this conversation then. Okay, no hard feelings there."

Dexter and Skulduggery sighed, and Anton shook his head.

"Not everything's about you China," Saracen said, and China glared at him.

"Not everything's about me? So it's all about Valkyrie then? Oh this is just perfect!" She said sarcastically. Valkyrie was confused. Why was China targeting her? She'd done nothing. They all ignored her.

"So the dance, you get to choose a partner to go with, and they're like your... Date, I guess for the night," Saracen concluded.

"Sounds fun," Valkyrie admitted, trying not to look at China as she felt the icy cold stare.

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