Ride to the Rescue

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The update you have been waiting for is here! It is quite long as promised! :)
Thank you to everyone who has been reading this fanfiction and commenting and voting. You are all awesome munchkins!

Valkyrie felt the wind rush through her hair and her eyes watered with the stinging sensation. Sable's ears were laid back on his neck, and she could feel the sheer power of his body beneath her. She used the air to keep her on his back, and looked directly between his large ears. They were galloping across a large brown pasture, dust flying up behind them as they raced towards Reinstone Academy. Valkyrie squinted at the sun. It had moved a little bit from when Ada had told her that it was 5:30. Valkyrie prayed that she would make it in time to save Skulduggery and Henry.

"Come on Sable! We have to make it!"

Sable thundered across the pasture, his heels kicking up mud as he went. They were approaching a wall, and Valkyrie willed Sable to clear it. Sure enough, the big stallion sailed over it easily, and they continued towards the school.

When Valkyrie saw the familiar sign above a large wooden door, she pulled on Sable's reins and brought him back to a canter. She jumped off and let the horse trot into the distance. She winced. Hopefully they would find him again. She kicked open the door and sprinted through the corridor, frantically looking in every door. This would take forever to find them. She wouldn't make it. She whirled as a thud sounded behind her. A man with a pointy nose stood smirking.

"Where have you taken them you jerk?!"

Grave chuckled.
"My dear Valkyrie, you have come, and just in the nick of time too. 5:59. Not bad."

"Just give them back."

"Not until you listen to me."

"Fine. What?"

"You still have to carry out my deal."

"Well it's sorta hard when I don't know what you want me to do."

"Ahhhh Valkyrie. Always scowling. Tell me, do you ever smile?"

"Do you really think I'd want to smile when I'm looking at your face?" She snapped.

"Touchy. And nasty. Maybe you'll hold your snide comments back when you learn what it is that you have to do."

"Get on with it then."

"In exchange for you getting to go home, you have to do something for me."

"I think we've already covered that. Like, three times now."

"Hush. You will tell our boy Skulduggery everything."

Valkyrie froze. Tell him everything?
"What do you mean?"

Grave laughed.
"I want you to tell him all the things about his future. His wife and child being murdered, him turning into a skeleton, Lord Vile, him as a detective. And you."

"But.... but I can't do that! It'll create a paradox!"

"That's the whole idea."


"Why what?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"You ask too many questions. You're turning into a real detective. Although I'm disappointed that you didn't work out my little plan sooner. Skulduggery hasn't been teaching you well has he darling?"

"Never call me 'darling.' And he has been teaching me fine! And a detective is supposed to ask a lot of questions, so you'd better answer mine. Why are you doing this?"

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