The Abduction and Sable

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I'm soooooooooo ecstatic! I went to a Showjumping day today at my Pony Club and I came first in my 30cm class!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so proud of my beautiful horsey so I've decided to add in a horse in this story.

And I've almost got 100 views on this story! Thank you to all who've been reading it. I'm so grateful for all of your support! The next chapter will just be a filler leading up to the dance, and drama will unfold! The dance won't be coming up for a few chapters yet. Sorry! ;) Also, I apologise that his chapter is so short, as I said it's just a filler, I will write longer chapters when I have more time.

Valkyrie was ecstatic as she entered Skulduggery's house. The smell of something burning made her frown, and bought back memories that were far too recent to be forgotten.

"Skulduggery?" She called. No answer. "Ada? Henry?"

Valkyrie wandered through the kitchen, and placed the bag with her dress in it on the table. Her eyebrows creased, Valkyrie walked around, calling their names. Still, nobody answered.

"Skulduggery!" She called out again.

Silence. She was starting to get worried now. She started to speed walk, and tried hard not to run through the house screaming his name. Suddenly, a faint cry came from the back of the house. Valkyrie's eyes widened and she sprinted. She followed the burning smell. It led her to the bathroom door. Frowning, she kicked it open, surprised and shocked at what she found...

Ada sat leaning against the bathtub, gagged and shackled. Her pretty green eyes widened when she saw Valkyrie, and the girl rushed to her side.

"Oh my god Ada!" She exclaimed, quickly undoing the gag. Ada gasped.

"Skulduggery! Henry! He's taken them!" She cried. Valkyrie froze.

"What?! Who?!" She yelled.

"A Necromancer! He just shadow walked in here and attacked us! Then he subdued all of us and took Henry and Skulduggery!"

"No..." Valkyrie whispered. There was only one person who could've done this. Herman Grave.

"Did you see what he looked like?" She asked.

"Dark hair, beady grey eyes, pointy nose..."



"I know him. He's not exactly the nice type."

"Yeah I figured that."

"Did he say where he was taking them?"

"Yes. Back to Reinstone. He said to tell you that if you're not there by six o'clock, then he'll kill them!"

Valkyrie froze.
"What's the time now?"

"Judging by the sun, at least 5 or 5:30."

"Oh my god! I'll never get there in time!"

"You will if you take Sable."

"Who's Sable?"

"One of the fastest horses in our stables. He'll get you there quickly."

Valkyrie nodded.
"What does he look like?"

"Big chestnut stallion, first horse on your right as you go into the stables. Save my son and husband Valkyrie. Please."

"I won't let you down!"

She sprinted out the back door and immediately spotted the stables. She busted open the door with the wind, and her eyes locked with the tall, chestnut horse that stood with his ears pricked, looked at her. He head the most elegant face, and a single dot marked his forehead.

"Sable?" She whispered.

The name on the door gave it away. She quickly fetched a bridle from a hook, and tried to remember what China had taught her about horses. The bit goes in their mouth first. Valkyrie slipped the bridle over Sable's head, and flung the reins over onto his neck. She used the air to hoist herself up, and gathered the reins between her fingers. She looked through Sable's big ears, and kicked the horse forward. Sable sprung into a canter, and once they were clear of the stables and the yard, Valkyrie pushed Sable into a gallop, letting the stallion stretch out his body as she hung on.

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