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Rose Point Cafe
New York City, United States / 10-25-2022 / 10:15

The taste of freshly brewed coffee lay bitter against Chaos' tongue, her exhausted features scrunching in displeasure from the lack of care put into brewing her latte as per her seemingly simple order. She had remembered requesting a packet of sugar to be mixed in when the waiter swung by with their yellow ruled notepad. Much to her annoyance, the absence of any form of sweetness struck a nerve in her already irritated demeanour. Her expression of distaste was quickly noticed by her hosts and in the corner of her eye, a small dish of white granulated sugar packets was offered. She pinched a packet with silent gratitude and ripped it open before pouring the sugar in. Chaos then began to dissolve the granules of sweetness with a wooden stirring stick, internally contemplating the adjustment of her latte.

While doing so, Chaos stole a glance at the man and woman sitting from her in their shared booth, eyeing them as they wordlessly watched her eagerly swirl the contents of her drink. She despised their prolonged and unnecessary eye contact but she kept the misplaced comment to herself as to not sour the mood further, diverting her gaze away with a brief but satisfied sip as she leaned into the retro backrest of the booth. She internally cursed, scolding herself for the lack of discipline towards the seemingly innocent offer of coffee- caffeine rather- one of the very few things that kept the nightmares at bay. Setting her mug down, Chaos took the initiative to break the silence.

"So," the Lieutenant began, nerves tweezed by intuition. "You're not one for shits and giggles, Kate, so do tell me what this is about."

Upon a brand new sunrise washing through the skies over New York City, Chaos certainly had not intended to begin her morning with the offering of coffee at Rose Point Cafe through a mundane text message. Rather, her intentions solely relied on resuming her covert operation followed a side quest- as she jokingly referred to it- issued by Station Chief Kate Laswell and the "oh-so beloved" General Shepherd. Following a briefing with the two commanding officers, she found herself within the fiery belly of Hell's Kitchen and was critically tasked with a high priority search and rescue mission. The hostage: a certain intelligence agent with the C.I.A. that had disturbed the wasp's nest far too many times and finally got stung into hell. Special Operative Chaos, being the only operative within reach of Hell's Kitchen skilled with efficient search and rescue, was immediately assigned Mission Pest Control.

The mission was plain and simple, if not utterly laughable in contrast to what the woman has seen in the bloody brutality of war and the isolation of covert operations. Chaos was fully prepared to smoke the beehive on her own; she could execute complete control of shifting variables and easily adapt to the bad, the ugly and the in between. Upon the woman's boots landing within the neighborhood in question and of all unforeseen circumstances the universe could drown her with, the least she expected was four familiar faces sent into the field to assist her with the mission. Chaos could suppose it was a welcomed surprise following her months of isolation to conform with her covert operation. Though, she could also suppose it would have been a welcomed notice when it concerned formulating a plan that only involved herself.

Regardless of the circumstances leading up to Mission Pest Control, the whole ordeal went seamlessly with the additional support. The hostage was rescued with little incident and no injuries before they were securely transported back to headquarters by designated personnel. Concluding the mission was a congratulatory debriefing from both Kate Laswell and General Shepherd and a well deserved night of sleep. The moment she woke up, however, the second least Chaos expected from a request from Kate requesting to meet in a local cafe. The first?

A meeting with the Captain of Task Force 141, John Price.

It would have been utterly risible to say that Chaos was not familiar with the man sitting across from her, though, this was indeed her first time meeting the captain in person. John Price was supported by an extensive and well-respected career with the British Army and the 22nd SAS Regiment. Since the inception of Task Force 141, he and his soldiers have tied more loose ends than his file was permitted to suggest and his methods of engagement didn't seem too different from hers. Chaos' understanding of the formation of 141 was murky and despite her intuition, she still sought out verbal confirmation as to why he was meeting with her alongside Kate.

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