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Al Mazrah, U.R.A / 10-28-22 / 02:52

Simon Riley wasn't one for poetics, neither was Ghost for that matter. However, the man recognized that there was potential for a finer suiting word to describe the untamed raging fire burning Lieutenant Chaos' oceanic eyes. Authentic to the woman's name: chaotic, ferocious, siren-like; seemingly the only appropriate descriptors that flooded through Ghost's now enraptured mind as he locked eyes with her, stricken by her contesting glare. Against the lieutenant's shorter stature clad head to toe in black, her blue eyes shone through the shrouding shadows, effectively acting as a cloak against the windows to her very soul. In stark contrast to the soldiers he's encountered while on active service- both ally and enemy- Chaos was not sentenced to the curse of a thousand-yard stare. Rather, a wicked glare that incited death upon those who dared to cross her and he was sure there were those who were foolish enough to oppose her.

"Sizing me up already, Lieutenant?"

Chaos' tone mirrored that of a siren lurking under the ship-rippled waters as she relayed the provocative question, her voice melodic with undertones of danger lurking just beneath the surface. The very sound beckoning chills to shiver down his spine, earning him an internal reaction of disbelief and accompanying dread of destruction at the very thought of caving before such a woman. In an attempt to maintain his undeterred demeanour, Lieutenant Ghost dared not to admit that the alluring intimidation hovering about her combated his own threatening shroud with an untamed intensity. Amidst the dark-washed tarmac and the ferocity of her eyes, it was evident at first glance that this woman was going to be a challenge- a challenge that was beyond tempting to partake in.

This woman, this Lieutenant Chaos, with her daunting presence defied all previous expectations with a domineering glare, refusing to conform to his voiceless presumptions as she boldly broke away first.

Several months after the missile strikes on General Ghorbrani in a desolate Al Mazrahn desert and a mission unrelated to Al Qatala in Norway just days after, Lieutenant Ghost found himself in Credenhil, Task Force 141's base of operations. The man's return home and brisk walk across the tarmac was short-lived as Captain John Price immediately summoned him into his office. Orders of another deployment to Al Mazrah made itself known amongst the cigar-smoked air, a simple capture or kill of AQ's next body in their chain of command. The initial announcement earned minimal reaction from the lieutenant, seemingly another day in his war-hardened line of work. However, learning of his position as co-leader inevitably led to foul-mouthed objections and a heated interrogation about this certain American Special Operative.

Lieutenant Chaos was nothing more than a spectre cloaked in whispers and doubt; any form of opposition towards her credibility only earned tight-lipped compliance from Captain Price. Rumours and stories of the soldier who was awarded her name by neutralizing tank operators with a knife following a risky fall from ten feet proved too good to be true. Of course, Ghost refused to hold any weight to the testimonies of the American soldiers who supposedly intercepted her path and survived to tell the tale. Despite the additional verbal poking and prodding, John Price refused to budge on the matter of the lieutenant's dossier, constantly referring to it as "classified" or "need to know" much to Ghost's irritation and growing frustrations.

"As I've said before, Simon," Price reiterated.
With the cigar pinched between his lips, the captain inhaled a deep swig of his hourly dose of tobacco, tapping its end into a dish accompanied by a misty opaque breath of smoke.
"This isn't Halloween; I'm not authorized to hand out the lass' file like those damn tootsie rolls."
"That isn't good enough, Price."
Exhaling an exasperated huff through his cigar, the captain ran his calloused hand through his hair as he leaned back into his chair. It was evident that Ghost was wearing down his nerves and yet, his stance regarding the matter was still firm as steel despite the daggered scowl from across the desk.
"Chaos has more than enough experience in counter-terrorism. Laswell will vouch for her; she recommended the Lieutenant's inclusion."

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