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A/N: We shall not speak of this chapter's previous version ;-;

New York City, United States / 10-31-22 / 20:30

"You're positive about this? You're not giving us a run-around?"

A scowl hardened by unresolved grief and resentment instantly washed over Misfit's tensed features, her expression and the fire burning in her hazel eyes were lethal enough to turn waves of men into stone. A nerve was visibly struck in the woman's seemingly cordial composure the insinuation of any inaccuracies in her highly-valued and sought-after intelligence clearly offended her. Analyzing the way she shifted on her feet, darted her eyes back and forth, and clenched her fists, Misfit wanted to physically retaliate but bit back the notions of a physical confrontation as she was severely outmatched in terms of the Ghosts' combative prowess. No doubt the former sergeant craved the burst of adrenaline that encouraged her to land a blow on the nearest Ghost, however, it was wise of her to display restraint.

If the invitation to combat was extended in revengeful stride, Keegan surely would have accepted in a heartbeat, especially if it meant protecting his sister's pride with bloodied fists and putting the former sergeant of Task Force Ares in her place. In Lieutenant Chaos' absence, they weren't barred from retaliating against Misfit, the initial decision stemming from sheer condolences and remorse for the woman who had lost her sister during Operation Ballroom. Even then, Chaos willed herself to continuously express kindness to her former sergeant despite the foul words and physical blows dealt to her. In reality, Task Force Stalker still maintained that Misfit crossed the line whenever she laid her hands on her former captain, though they restrained themselves from ever expressing it verbally whenever she was around.

Regardless, if Sergeant Keegan was to keep up appearances as the calm and composed entity of the task force, he was to smother his feelings regarding the matter for the sake of his sister and temporarily be cordial with Misfit. No matter how much he wanted to show her the consequences of the pain she dealt to Chaos, he needed to keep his head on straight. Before departing to Al Mazrah, Chaos temporarily assigned Black Sonata to the Ghosts and it was their duty to maintain its operations, and deliver results regardless of her return or continued collaboration with Task Force 141. It would be responsible for the sergeant to spare any valuable time to become embroiled in extracurriculars that would surely bring their window to an anti-climatic close. This was their last feasible opportunity to bring the Manhattan raid to a close and strike a line through the government's blacklist.

Misfit was a disgruntled challenge, however. According to Kick's testimony of his visitation to the woman's apartment, her colourful language and behaviour mirrored their previous unfortunate encounters in the past following her discharge from the military. Misfit continuously insisted that she would never spare a glance towards the shadows and lost spirits transcending her abandoned life in the military, though her attempts to shut the Ghosts out failed miserably as she was reminded of her debt to them. If there was one quality about the former sergeant was renowned for, it was her honour to keep her word, though the insinuation of extracurriculars accompanied it.

"Fucking doubt me again and you can say goodbye to every bit of data stored in your servers. I'm sure a certain someone would murder you for destroying her life's work- actually, go on, doubt me."

Merrick pressed his lips into a thin line as Misfit sent a challenging glare in the captain's direction, wordlessly deciding to bite back from spouting any additional provoking questions that doubted the credibility of her profession. Misfit was certainly a force to be reckoned with when matters concerned anything and everything that concerned information technologies- a force that Kick could only hope to compete with. The threats made by the woman were not to be taken lightly, especially when she could wipe entire serves and databases of their contents at the snap of her fingers.

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