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Las Almas, Mexico / 10-30-22 / 11:30

The city of souls rightfully maintained a special hamlet within Chaos' heart, the region and municipality serving as the prime location of the at-the-time lance corporal's first mission with Task Force Stalker outside of the United States. Prior to the expedition, Commander Elias instructed that the woman's task force training be performed on home soil, whether that be in populated urban settings or desolate mountain ranges. When the opportunity to execute a high-ranking enemy official arose south of the border, Chaos was far more exhilarated to join her brothers on Mexican soil and meet the colonel the Ghosts had spoken so fondly of.

"There she is, there she is! Hermana, back to Las Almas so soon!"

Alejandro Vargas announced his reputable presence with a boisterous voice, radiant smile and spread arms, his hospitable tone beckoning a fond grin to dance upon Chaos' clothes lips as she drew near to the man with Ghost and Soap closely matching her quickened pace. The Colonel of the Mexican Special Forces- a figure within Task Force Stalker's tightly knit operating sphere as a well-trusted associate and friend. The relationship was established long before Chaos' induction into the marines and Ghosts ten years ago. With a fiery first impression on the woman's part and having witnessed Alejandro's military prowess and dying loyalty to Las Almas and Los Vaqueros, the colonel was woven into her own needlework of trust and privileged with Chaos's unconditional commission should he require such a thing of her.

The underlying context of their joint operations mattered not to either party, both sides were more than willing to supply the other with bodies or resources. The concerns of Las Almas' security and the operations of Los Vaqueros. A constant, tumultuous waltz of death with the Ghost's dear old friends south of the equator. The very sources of the woman's own personal vendettas walking amongst the sands and soils of Mexico. No matter the operation, no matter the visit, Alejandro and his men proved to be reliable allies in times of peace and brave soldiers in the face of war. Even with opposition from their enemies under a rain of bullets, the Mexican Special Forces were loyal to the city they loved. With Chaos and Alejandro's extensive history of collaboration and friendly matters throughout the years, the lieutenant was more than enthusiastic to align forces to intercept a common enemy in a city much closer to home than Al Mazrah.

Resurfacing amongst the pages of Chaos' mental album of cherished memories, Alejandro's extroverted personality was just like their first interaction on the very same tarmac a decade ago. The lieutenant couldn't exactly express distaste for the grand announcement of their arrival; their associative relationship was one she had developed a dear fondness for since her first time in Las Almas. Although the woman's last visit to the region was only months ago, the colonel seemed far more thrilled to have Special Operative Lieutenant Chaos grace the atmosphere of Fuerzas Especiales alongside company other than the Ghosts. Chaos could do without the flirty peck against her knuckles following every exchange of handshake, however.

"You know me, Hermano," she replied, her beautifully spoken Spanish rolling off her tongue. "Souls only seem to follow me around these days."

Alejandro bellowed out a hearty laugh, seemingly amused and empathetic of the statement spoken from the heart. Turning towards Ghost- ignoring his searing glare- and Soap, Chaos resigned from spouting additional tea-time chatter, allowing her partners to make their long-awaited introductions to the colonel. The irritation evident in Ghost's tone didn't go unnoticed by the woman; his tone was slightly aggravated as he barked at Soap for nearly divulging his birth name. While the sergeant was quick to brush off his superior's verbal snap with a small pout, Chaos' thoughts lingered upon the shift in the man's usually solid composure. Shooting a raised eyebrow towards him, the glare was immediately replaced with a calculated look before Ghost pressed a hand to the small of her back, wordlessly nudging her along while hovering close by.

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