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It is impossible to describe graduation in one word. It is filled with so much emotions that it probably will remain in our memory even when we start walking with a cane. High school was not easy for me. It had its good sides and bad sides. I met people, passed and failed classes, once excited but then hated going to school, got scolded by the teachers, learned new things, laughed, and cried. 

 My parents could not make it to my graduation. They were thousand miles away, and at that time, I did not care. I was excited to close this chapter of my life and start a new one. My time in high school was one of a kind, but I had made it through. Even if nobody was proud of me, I was proud of myself. I took pictures in the graduation gown with people I barely knew. My closest friends were spending time with their boyfriends, and I for once felt relieved to be alone.

 I took my last glance at the huge high school I attended for the last three years, and felt bitter sweet. "Would I ever miss this place or the people here?", I wondered. Probably not, probably yes. The feelings I had were unexplainable, but it was mixed emotions. 

Maybe I was afraid of the future, and unsure of what to do next. Maybe I was terrified of growing up and becoming an adult. Maybe I was unsure whether I really accomplished something. Maybe I still wanted adults to tolerate my actions because I was still a "child". 

 It was the realization that horrified me the most. The realization that I could never get back here. The realization that whatever happened here is never going to happen again, and that no matter how much I miss it, I could never get it back again. So I made sure I had looked at every part of the school building, the atmosphere, and the people one last time before I left like I was staining the vision into my mind. I needed to remember it for now. The good and the bad, before it becomes an old memory I would be telling my grandchildren about. 

 When it hit 7 o clock in the evening, everyone was done celebrating, and my uncle picked me up to take me home, knowing he would never drive me there again. 

Wondering what happens next? 
Stay tuned! Your girl is coming up with more and more in the next few weeks! However, sadly, "13 walking to 19" might be closing its chapters sooner than I expected. 
For the mean time, sit back, relax, and take a sip of my cup of teen tea. 


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