Chapter 6 - Leaving

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Amanda's POV

"I think I'm going to throw up", I mumbled as I lay in the backseat of Gwen's car. I had stayed outside in the chilly forest for a couple of hours before Gwen had showed up. At the time I was already shivering and half asleep. Even if she had been drunk, Gwen had helped me into the car and put three blankets over me.

It was the morning after and the shivers still ran through me occasionally.

"Just calm down and close your eyes", Gwen mumbled soothingly. Rose was asleep in the front seat, while stood outside the car, trying to help me as much as she could.

"I'm definitely going to throw up", I groaned, even though I knew that I wouldn't. My head was bothering me more than my stomach, but I felt as if my whole body was failing me.

"No, you're not", Gwen told me reassuringly. I groaned once again and closed my eyes. Nothing got better. I still felt like I was dying.

"You'll be fine", Gwen finally told me before carefully closing the car door. I was alone in the car with Rose. At least she was peaceful.

James' POV

"Do we have to leave already?", I asked my dad as he took the last bag and started to walk. I hurried after him, together with both of my siblings. I hadn't seen Amanda all morning and I wanted to see her before we left. I wanted to see her before I went to Hogwarts. In a little more than a week I was going to board the Hogwarts train and she was somehow getting to America. I wanted to see her at least one more time.

"Yeah, we need to leave now. I've been called into work", dad explained to me as we started walking towards the forest. Apparently we were going to use a port key from there.

"But, dad I-", I started to say but before I could finish my sentence Albus interrupted me.

"James wants to see a girl", Albus said with an evil smile. I gave him a look but he only seemed to smile wider. Dad stopped in his tracks and turned to me. I had dated girls before, and my dad knew it, but I had never really shown any real interest in a girl before.

Amanda was really pretty, and I kind of wanted to go on a date with her. We weren't close like that though. We were just friends.

"You want to see a girl?", dad asked me with a surprised expression. I felt a little uncomfortable under his eyes. He didn't look mean or anything, I just didn't know what his reaction would be.

"Yeah", I mumbled and stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets. Dad smiled a little and ruffled my already messy hair. That was something all of us boys had in common in our family. Our black messy hair. Dad's had started to become a little grey at places, even if he refused to believe it.

"Who is she?" I knew that dad probably didn't know about her. Or maybe he did. There couldn't have been many british teens who went to school in America. Dad worked for the Ministry where they might know who these teens were.

"Her name is Amanda Fraser. She goes to school in America. I don't remember what it's called, though", I told him and he seemed to think for a while. then he shook his head.

"I don't think I know her, or her parents for the matter", dad told me, but then he quickly seemed to realize something.

"We need to hurry. I'm sorry James. If you had been allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts you could've stayed. You can't though, and you won't be able to come home on your own." I sighed but nodded. Then, my siblings and I walked with dad into the forest. We strolled through the trees while small talking about school and such things.

"I think I'm dead", I heard a voice groan further away from us. I recognized the voice pretty quickly. It was Amanda. She didn't sound good. Without bothering telling anyone where I went, I walked towards her voice.

"Obviously, you're not", I then heard Amanda's friend reply while I walked closer to their voices. As I passed a few trees I started to see the shape of a car. The closer I got, the more I could make out. Tow figures were sitting on the hood of the car.

"No, I'm pretty sure I am", Amanda complained as I saw her step out of the car. She had a blanket around her shoulders and her skin was a bit paler than I remembered it being the day before.

"You look pretty alive to me", I said as I came closer to them. All three of them turned to me. Amanda was the first one to calm down from the shock of suddenly seeing a human appear.

"Nope, I'm a zombie", she joked and sat down on the ground, her back leaning on the car. I laughed lightly and sat down next to her. She almost looked like a zombie, to be honest.

"I'm leaving in a couple of minutes", I told them. Amanda looked at me sadly and I saw her out slightly.

"Already?", she asked disappointed. I felt the same disappointment inside of me.

"Yeah. My dad needs to get back to work", I told her honestly. Just then my dad, Albus and my little sister, Lilly, walked through the trees and came up to us. Gwen and Rose jumped down from the car and Amanda quickly got to her feet.

"You can't just wander of like that, James. I had no idea where you went", my dad started to lecture until he saw the three girls I was with.

"Dad, this is Gwen, Rose and Amanda. This is my dad, Harry Potter", I introduced. Rose waved awkwardly, while Gwen just nodded as a greeting. Amanda smiled slightly while holding the blanket around her with both hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter", Amanda said politely. None of the girls seemed affected by the fact that the war hero, Harry Potter, was standing in front of them. That surprised me, a lot. Most people would've been asking for autographs by then. The three girls didn't even slightly surprised though.

"Call me Harry. You're Amanda? James has told me-", before my father could finish his sentence I stopped him. I did not want him to embarrass me.

"Well! Hasn't this been nice? We should totally do it again some time, but we kind of need to go. Bye!", I rambled and gripped my dad's sleeve. I started to pull him away from the girls.

We didn't even reach the trees before we saw the first one emerge. The person was dressed in black robes, with a grey grotesque mask over their face. The second one came close after the first one. Then came a third. Then a fourth.

Four masked people stood around the little clearing where the car was parked.

Rose, Gwen and Amanda seemed freaked out, just like Lilly. Albus looked at the people with surprising calm. I felt uneasy, especially since my dad looked ready to fight. He held his wand in a steady hand and had moved us teens closer to the car.

"Get inside the car", he only whispered. Not even ten seconds later, spells were flying..

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