Chapter 14 - Friends

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Amanda's POV

Only one class left. Potions. I felt nervous and excited at the same time. On one hand, I was actually going to see magic and make magic myself. On the other hand, I was supposed to do magic! I wasn't magical!

"I hope professor Slughorn let us chose partners. I hate it when I have to work with people I don't know", Allison happily chatted as we headed towards the classroom. Christina was with us, she hadn't been with us in Ancient Runes and therefor she didn't walk with us.

"Me too! Especially since I'm new and everything", I responded as we stepped into the classroom and sat down at one of the tables. There weren't many there yet. I had no idea how many spare minutes we had left until the class started, but I guessed many because of the lack of students in the room. Allison and I chatted while other students filled into the classroom.

"I swear to God I will massacre that damn Potter!", Christina suddenly said as she sat down next at our table. I could see it in her eyes that she was completely raged by something.

"What happened this time?", asked Allison and leaned her head on her head. Christina breathed in heavily and then sighed.

"We had to work together in Divination and not only was he acting strangely, but he couldn't stop asking about you. I told him that is he wanted to know things he would have to ask you himself but he would not stop asking!", Christina said and pointed towards me. I was surprised to hear her words. At first when she had mentioned being annoyed with James I had thought that he had been a douche. It made me happy that he had acted nicely.

"Why would he be asking about you?", asked Allison with a smirk and raised eyebrows. I looked down and scratched my head, a little embarrassed. I wasn't really one to blush. It happened rarely.

"I met him this summer at the World Cup. I don't know", I mumbled without being able to form a straight answer. Even though James had hurt me I still felt like I felt something for him. The thought of him asking about me made it tingle under my skin.

"Okay, everyone! Quite down, quite down. I see all of you have already taken a seat, but I've been doing seat arrangements", the professor said immediately as he walked into the classroom. I looked up at him and saw an old man with red robes standing in the front.

"Jordan and Flint. Zabini and Thomas. Fraser and Potter..." I looked around the room until I met eyes with James. He was smiling widely and looked towards me. As our eyes met, his smile became a little bit shyer but when I allowed myself to smile the sparkle in his eyes returned.

Everyone moved to their new places after professor Slughorn was done handing out our places. I sat down next to James, while two unknown people sat infront of us. They were both boys, one from Slytherin and the other from Gryffindor.

"You smiled at me", James pointed out brilliantly. I only looked at him with an amused look.

"And?", I asked him while trying to hold in my laughter. He looked like a happy kitty that had just gotten a treat.

"You're not mad", he pointed out and at that point I couldn't help it. I giggled at his ridiculousness. Then I grew a little bit more serious.

"I think I was always more disappointed than mad. Sure, at first I was angry with you but disappointment was always dominant", I honestly told him. It looked like a light was being lit in his eyes as he realized what I had said. He then smile at me once more, but that time it was more sincere and honest.

"We are going to do something special today. You are going to make Amortentia. Who knows what Amortentia is?", asked Slughorn. Both Christina and Allison raised their hands. They were the only ones though.

"Yes, miss Flint." The two girls put their hands down and while Christina leaned back in her seat, Allison leaned forward.

"It is the most powerful love potion in existence, Sir", Allison simply answered. A smile spread over Slughorn's face.

"Yes, that is right. Although, it does not create real love. It only makes a type of obsession. The instructions are on page 250. You may start", Slughorn instructed and we all began working. While James got all of the ingredients I looked through what we were supposed to do. Luckily I saw that I could do a lot of the things. There were only a few steps that required magic.

"I can start with cutting the Asphodel", I told James as he got back. We both started working and before I knew it, we were at the last step.

"You do the magic", I told him as I stepped aside. James smirked at me as he took out his wand.

"You sure?", he asked teasingly. I gave him a look telling him to shut up.

"Pretty sure", I told him. He turned around and did a few movements over the cauldron. When he finished I walked up to the cauldron.

The smell of the potion surprised me. It had completely changed from it's former aroma.

"You two done?", asked Slughorn and walked up to us.

"Yeah, we just finished", I answered and we let Slughorn take a look on the potion. His eyebrows rose in appreciation.

"Very good, you two. Now what do you smell?", he asked us with a smile. I took a whiff and felt the different smells.

"I kind of smell... fire and... alkohol... and magic", I spoke as I registered the smells. It was amazing how the different smells all existed there. I had no idea why I smelt the different things, though.

"And you, mister Potter?" James took a deep breath and then seemed to think about the different smells.

"The forest, fruity perfume and fire", James told us before frowning. He looked up att professor Slughorn for an explanation. I was also curious to why the potion smelled differently for the two of us.

"Amortentia is special in this way. The smell varies from person to person. It depends on what people find attractive", Slughorn explained and I frowned, mildly concerned with myself. Why did I find fire and alkohol attractive. Magic was the most normal one, and that was saying something.

"You two may leave early, since you're already done." I looked around and only then noticed how everyone else were still working.

"Come on! Let's go", James said and pulled me with him out the door.


"I'm surprised that the weather is this good", I said as James and I sat down by the lake. The sun was out and spreading warmth over us.

"It's actually not that bad weather out here", James told me while lying down on the grass. I smiled at how relaxed he looked. He didn't look like he had any worries. It was cute.

"That's pretty good", I spoke and looked over the water. It was dark and not that pretty, but it still seemed beautiful in some weird way. That was also when I noticed the owl flying our way. It wasn't my owl, I realized quickly and felt disappointed. I had hoped on an answer from Rose, but no such luck.

The owl landed beside us on the grass and gave James the letter. He took it with a frown. On the front I could see his name.

"I don't recognize the writing", he mumbled as he opened it. Almost immediately I saw how his eyes grew wide. He seemed to read it over and over again.

"What is it?", I asked and leaned towards him to get a better look at the letter. Wordlessly, James showed me the piece of paper. I soon realized what had shocked James.

Watch your backs.

Those were the only words written. The text was red and it somehow seemed much more threatening. The message itself might have not seemed as much, but below the text was a picture of James and I in the corridor. It must have been from the night before, when we he had apologized to me.

I had no idea what to say. My hands were shaking slightly as I looked up at James. He seemed just as concerned as I was. I dropped the letter on the round while trying to focus on staying calm. My eyes scanned our surroundings, without being able to help it.

"This is not good", James said and I couldn't help but think about the clothed group. Had they sent the note? Why had they sent it?

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